
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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Upgrade of JDownload 2.5 on Joomla 2.5 to JDownload 3.2 on Joomla 3.3.x

Started by kotsch, 16.02.2015 15:59:29

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I'm wondering if it is possible to upgrade from

JDownload 2.5 on Joomla 2.5 to
JDownload 3.2 on Joomla 3.3.x

Please let me know if this works.


what says the documentation about this?
Otherwise should you wait on Colin, he is the documentations chief!  ;)
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


For that upgrade path, I don't find any Upgrade path at all here.


Okay, i will Colin give a hint that he can add it.
But i think that he exist not really problems. But make sure that you have always backups.

(Ich vermute ja einmal das du dies eh auf einer lokalen Testinstallation durchführst/testest. Also einfach die Migratiion machen und wenn damit alles okay ist als letztes die 3.2 version von jD installieren (als Update. Habs aber selber noch nicht gemacht.)
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


vor der Installation der 3.2 die 2.5 deinstallieren oder einfach drüber installieren ?


Yes I should write an article on latest jd2.5.x on Joomla! 2.5.28 to jD3.2.x on Joomla! 3.x where Joomla! version 3.3.6 or later

The basic scheme relies on the compatibility of the jD2.5 series and jD3.2 series databases, they have in fact an identical structure.

So first upgrade site to Joomla 2.5.28 (or higher) and jDownloads to jD2.5.25 or higher.  Then make sure you have a good tested backup.  I personally use WAMP for checking out the migration.  Joomla has an excellent set of notes on the Migration so before doing anything about jDownloads you need to make sure your site is otherwise operating AOK except for jDownloads and those other components, modules and plugins that have different releases for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x.

The main cause of complication are the Users, Access levels and the Permissions.  jDownloads recognises these by their 'id' so if they change between Joomla! 2.5.x and Joomla! 3.3.x then confusion reigns!!.  So that is why, in principle, it is best to migrate onto your active site.  But that is difficult to get that right first time.  Hence the best way is to practice using WAMP or similar. Then overload the working site with the revised items, etc., etc.  Easy to say but can be a bit 'testing' but backups are vital!

The only jDownload parts that cannot be done automatically (at the moment) are as below.

  • Reinstating the permissions of the Component, the Categories and the Downloads.  This is not a problem as usually only the top level categories have permissions set positively, and also perhaps the Component permissions. They are usually 'set to 'allow'. Most permissions have 'inherited'  so the calculated permissions become allowed as appropriate.  If you have had to set any permissions to 'deny' then please re-examine why that is necessary.
  • Again as the process involves uninstalling jDownloads from the Joomla! 2.5 site and reinstalling on the Joomla! 3.x site then jD content items in articles may need looking at, again because of potential id changes.
  • The above will also apply to any Menu item.  Personally I unpublish the menu items relating to jDownloads in the 2.5 system and 'remake' them in the 3.x system.  I also take plenty of notes and screen dumps, and have a copy of the original working site on WAMP so I have a reference.  More work of course but less worry!

Before uninstalling jD 2.5.25 you need to do following.

  • Take a complete copy of directory <your-site>/jdownloads and its sub directories.  These are all the download files themselves.
  • Take a complete copy of directory <your-site>/images/jdownloads and its sub directories.  These are all the download picture and other files.
  • Turn off Auto-monitoring in the configuration.  This is to stop jD busily recreating the database in what is almost certainly a different order an in consequence with different ids.
  • Next use the Tools - backup, ensuring you tick the option for user groups.  This is a copy of the jDownloads database which will subsequently be re-loaded using the backup restore.
  • At this point we can Uninstall jDownloads. By this I also mean uninstalling the jD plugins and modules as well. I usually uninstall plugins and modules first, then the component. It will leave the database and the two sets of directories and files in place.
  • Now upgrade site to Joomla! 3.x following the Joomla! Migration instructions.
  • As a precaution check the various 'ids'
  • Once Joomla! 3.x is up and running we can Install the latest jD3.2.x version.  Because it is a few weeks since I last did this myself I must confess I do not recall if jDowloads accepts the existing database entries or objects.  If it accepts them then most things should be OK.
  • If jDownloads objects to the existing database and/or the existing directories then rename the directories and either rename the relevant database tables or remove them.  If you are unsure about that please ask.  Should now be able to install jD 3.2.x.  Nearly there!!
  • Double check that auto monitoring is off.
  • Reinstate the directories <your-site>/jdownloads and its sub directories, and also <your-site>/images/jdownloads and its sub directories.  If you did the rename earlier then just rename back to original.
  • Check over and fixup the menu items
  • --  jDownloads should now be working OK, but check the Content items in articles etc

If I have made any errors or you find improvements please let me know.  Also please let me kow if it worked and what you found 'challenging' so others can benefit from your experiences.

Colin M


Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!




Dear all,

it worked perfect using the documentation of the 1.9 migration.
Not to forget to change the menu items.

If anybody has problems, just send me a pm



I didn't use any of these. I used the docu for upgrading JDownload 1.9 to 2.5 on Joomla 2.5.

I did exactly the same for my Joomla 3 upgrade:

In detail:

- backup the site & database
- installed latest 2.5.25 JDownloads Component
- backup of
  - your-site /administrator/language/YOUR_LANGUAGE_PREFIX/com_jdownloads.ini
  - your-site /administrator/language/YOUR_LANGUAGE_PREFIX/com_jdownloads.sys.ini
  - your-site /language/YOUR_LANGUAGE_PREFIX/com_jdownloads.ini
  - your-site /components/com_jdownloads/jdownloads_fe.css
- switch of the automatic download monitoring (Jdownloads Configuration Downloads)
- uninstall jdownloads 2.5.25 from Joomla 2.5 homepage
- deactivate all non-Joomla core plugins, modules, components at Joomla 2.5 homepage
- activate beez5 template as default if used default template does not work on Joomla 3
- switch on error logging = maximum (Global Configuration)
- make sure that post_max_size is at least 14 M in php.ini (restart php) - may you have to ask your provider or see php info at your global configuration
  - in my case it was only 8 M, this was not enough for any reason, the installer aborted without any error message (php error log rescued my project)
- install Joomla 3.3.x on your homepage using the Joomla Installer
- install new template for Joomla 3
- install JDownloads 3.2 on Joomla 3.3.x using Joomla Installer
- recreated the JDownloads User Groups and Authorizations
- reactivated all Components, Modules and Plugins one by one to see if anyone leads to an error
  - I had to re-install some modules whose version was not the latest and did not work on Joomla 3.3.x
- make sure the positions for your modules are present within the new template if required
- voyla, everythin works for me
- Rem: if your homepage changed the location, don't forget to change the default upload path (JDownloads Configuration Downloads)
- now you could also switch on Download Directory monitoring = yes

Have fun

Thanks for your docus at all.  ::)
