Sorry if this has been asked before! Having issues with jdownload working in chrome with no issues with users able to download and the admin to be able to download too. But Has I have just noticed today you go to internet explorer and it does not download it just shows the xml data. So I'm a little confused what to do. not sure if its a user permission issues or something else. hope somone can help please. I'm using Joomla version is now 3.8.10. with jDownloads 3.2
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Not had this before! Does not look like a jD thing.I have just checked out on both Microsoft Edge and IE11What versaion of IE are you using? Also which O/SColin
Thanks, ColinM for getting back to me I'me using OS windows 10 IE Also tried Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0 I can download ok in them all when I'm the admin but I thought best to set up a test user to see if this would work too and it does in Chrome but not the others.
I have the same versions of Edge and IE11 as yourself. No problem in downloading from front end.
Just to clarify, could you please confirm the following items.
- You have a user account as well as a superuser account
- when you login at the front end with the superuser a/c you can download: in when using Chrome or Edge or IE11
- If you login at the front end with the user account you can dowload in Chrome but you cannot download in Edge or IE11.
What user group have you used or did you create a new user group? If it is a new UG what is the parent UG?
Might need yo to send me superuser logon details via PM (click on whitish square near my nasme)Colin
1: Yes I have a user account to test with.
2: When logged in with super user I can only download from Chrome and not Edge or IE11
3: User logged in front end can only download from Chrome
I have not set up a user group I have only created a user. But in permissions I assume is all set for the user to be allowed to download.
When you created a user they are automatically added to the Registered UG by Joomla!.The normal default setup for jD is that non logged in users, that is members of the Public UG can download.However members of thr Registered UG are also members of the Public UG by inheritance.
There should be no difference between browsers. And I cannot reproduce your problem.
There is clearly something wrong somewhere but it is challenging to identify!
I have just sent you a PMColin
It always happens to me :-) I can do a video to show you what is happening if this will help?
A video might help but it is likely to be some setup related - hence my PM request.Are you running on XAMPP or similar?
Hi No running on a server, could it be anything in my Ie11 settings or Edge settings? like flash? II have tended to have just used Chrome for a while and neglected the others so I might have missed things due to technology moving so fast! :-)
Hi No running on a server, could it be anything in my Ie11 settings or Edge settings? like flash? II have tended to have just used Chrome for a while and neglected the others so I might have missed things due to technology moving so fast! :-) So the issue is limited to the GPS Exchange Format, .gpx, which is an XML schema. The following page discusses .gpx files in Microsoft browsers: I have found a workaround now thank you for your help on this matter!
EDIT So it was a specific Edge/IE11 fault with .gpx files, not a jD problem Colin