jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => General => Topic started by: wacl3 on 15.05.2020 03:39:06

Title: user must agree to terms
Post by: wacl3 on 15.05.2020 03:39:06
Hi, how can I have a user required 'agree to terms' upon download of file and upon creating an upload. 
1) how do I activate it,
and 2) where do I put the text for the terms.
Title: Re: user must agree to terms
Post by: ColinM on 17.05.2020 10:33:59
I assume you need this on an individual user basis.  So I would suggest you look for extensions for the Joomla login/registration process.
Withe the exception of Single User Acces to Downloads feature jD works on a User Group basis.