jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => General => Topic started by: danjde on 11.06.2020 22:06:02

Title: Download file button always visible
Post by: danjde on 11.06.2020 22:06:02
Hi Devs,

given that I am not sure that this is a bug, I would like to point out that the download button  is always present, also to public users,  even if the file has been given download permission only to registered users.
Title: Re: Download file button always visible
Post by: ColinM on 12.06.2020 10:16:05
I think you have set up the permissions incorrectly. If you have not used Joomla! permissions previously then they are a bit 'stranger' at first.
A recent article in the jD3.9 series gives an overview which might help
A second articlehttps://www.jdownloads.net/documentation-for-v3-9-beta/access-user-group-permissions-v3-9/an-initial-view-of-permissionshas examples of setting up a public site, a privete members only site and a mixed site

This also applies to the 3.2 series

In a mixed public/private site non logged in members when viewing Downloads in a 'private' category will not see the Download button and in the sub header a message "Only registered and logged in users can download files from this category".
Please let us know if you need more assistance
Title: Re: Download file button always visible
Post by: danjde on 12.06.2020 17:19:31
Well.  I give an eye as you have shown me!

However, a strange thing happened: as soon as the files were uploaded, the same page contained freely downloadable files and files that needed authentication, and on that occasion the buttons were active for the freely downloadable files and instead hidden for the files that required registration .
Then after updating the files of the other pages, all the download buttons were visible.
It was for this reason that I thought it was a bug... 

Again, I ask if is it possible to hide download buttons for each files that require authentication. is this JDownload behavior expected?   

Again,  clicking on the file name, if this is reserved for the "registered" group, the page that requires authentication is opened correctly LINK REMOVED, but  clicking on the "download" button (of the same file) instead, you get a simple authorization denied error LINK REMOVED this seems anomalous to me.
Thanks again!
Edited to remove links
Title: Re: Download file button always visible
Post by: danjde on 12.06.2020 17:59:37
Setting  file permission in the permissions tab (for each file) the behavior is what I was expected.  -> https://www.cosmogonia.org/owncloud/index.php/s/THxxXNRKtNbbEKq 

But is not clear for me,  what is needed to select the access level in "General" -> https://www.cosmogonia.org/owncloud/index.php/s/2gT2nXpT2k7tY8X ? Many thanks again! PS it seems to me that reCaptcha is not working very well, it is a challenge to overcome the numerous steps...

I correct myself, it only works if I assign "inherited" download permissions to "Public" and deny them to "Guest". Only in this way will "Registered" be able to download them. Not at all simple ...

Thanks again
Title: Re: Download file button always visible
Post by: ColinM on 12.06.2020 18:52:36
Think the main challenge here is that you have used DENY permissionPlease read the articles and please never, NEVER use Deny.  It propogates in unexpected ways!!!!
The basic Joomla! permission scheme is that you are not permitted to do something unless it is Allowed or Allowed (inherited).
A Deny permission cannot be overcome by a subsequent Allow further down the chain.  Also you shoud only need to set permissions on top level categories as they will automatically be inherited by susequent sub cats and Downloads - unless you have a Deny in the chain which will then foul up the Joomla system!!!!!

More later

Title: Re: Download file button always visible
Post by: danjde on 16.06.2020 21:58:44
Well, I've read carefully the Overview of Joomla! permissions but, excuse me, I've not understand (I probably don't have enough IQ) how permit only for registered user the single download.

Should I customize the Component Permissions? And again, what is for single download the purpose of setting "Access: Registered"?
I would expect not to find the download button if I set the Registered access for the single download. I still do not understand.

And I also wonder if there was no possibility of making this simple need more ... simple!

I also think that when you need to ask all these questions to understand such a common need, like give permission to downloads for some file and  private for others, something doesn't work very well.

However, I thank you both for the software and for the availability you have shown in this forum, but if I had to make an review, mine would be software designed by engineers for engineers and not for webmasters.

Title: Re: Download file button always visible
Post by: ColinM on 17.06.2020 14:32:20
The Permissions system is not a jDownloads 'design' but a Joomla! design.
In my view the scheme is very much like "riding a bicycle"  seeminlgy impossible at first but quite simple when you know how!! :)
I will send you a PM.
Title: Re: Download file button always visible
Post by: danjde on 17.06.2020 15:23:09
Quote from: ColinM on 17.06.2020 14:32:20
[..] In my view the scheme is very much like "riding a bicycle"  seeminlgy impossible at first but quite simple when you know how!! :)

Sure! Everything is simple when it is understood. But the most difficult thing is to make complex things simple.

In my opinion, with JDownloads you have done an excellent job, but you have not succeeded in making its use simple.

And this is what decrees the success of a project or its failure. Google is a master in this (master of evil to tell the truth), master of making difficult things simple.
Over the course of my experience I have seen extraordinary works that broke precisely in usability.
