jDownloads Support Forum

jDownloads for Joomla 4.x and 5.x => jDownloads 4.0 => Bugs! => Topic started by: ColinM on 21.05.2023 17:45:05

Title: Limits bug when Month is zero - [Fixed in 4.0.28]
Post by: ColinM on 21.05.2023 17:45:05
During docu update I set only the daily and weekly limits non zero.
Unexpectedly this caused warnings
Also occurred when trying a regular Download and with invalid report
Ocurs in multi-lang as well uni-lang

jD 4.0.27  Joomla 4.3.1

Warnings when Downloading
Warning: Undefined array key "month_remaining" in C:\xampp\htdocs\jdx39B\components\com_jdownloads\src\Helper\JDHelper.php on line 1891

Warning: Undefined array key "month_volume_remaining" in C:\xampp\htdocs\jdx39B\components\com_jdownloads\src\Helper\JDHelper.php on line 1894

Warning: Undefined array key "month_remaining" in C:\xampp\htdocs\jdx39B\components\com_jdownloads\src\Helper\JDHelper.php on line 1928

Warning: Undefined array key "month_remaining" in C:\xampp\htdocs\jdx39B\components\com_jdownloads\src\Helper\JDHelper.php on line 1929

Warnings from module
Warning: Undefined array key "month_remaining" in C:\xampp\htdocs\jdx39B\components\com_jdownloads\src\Helper\JDHelper.php on line 1891

Warning: Undefined array key "month_volume_remaining" in C:\xampp\htdocs\jdx39B\components\com_jdownloads\src\Helper\JDHelper.php on line 1894
Title: Re: Limits bug when Month is zero
Post by: Arno on 22.05.2023 09:59:21
Thanks Colin!
Title: Re: Limits bug when Month is zero - [Fixed in 4.0.28]
Post by: Arno on 25.05.2023 22:42:42
Fixed in next release, see pics.
Also for the 'view limits' part on summary page.