jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => General => Topic started by: bootpass on 05.05.2014 14:48:08

Title: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: bootpass on 05.05.2014 14:48:08

how to fix this problem

Error! Upload root directory %s does not exist.

Please create it with an ftp program such as FileZilla and use that to set the directories access right to CHMOD 0755 - otherwise jDownloads will not work. See FAQ for more on setting file access rights.

Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 05.05.2014 19:59:23
Quotehow to fix this problem
Do what the message says.

Have you after installation process not reads the install results message? It seems, that he installation script could not create the folders for jDownloads. Deinstall jD and try it new.

When you check the jD configuration must be writable this folders (see pic)

And use next time not a title like only: error   >:(

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: bootpass on 07.05.2014 12:05:39

sorry for the title

I tried to set the directories like on your screenshot but I located the error below

My directory are 755
my file / jDownloads and root of my site
it attached a screenshot

Error! Can not rename folder: jdownloads/

When I create a new category I have the following error
I do not have an error in one of my tables quis would corrupt

I just installed the 3.2.3 beta but same problem

Thank you for your help

Quote1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3 SQL=UPDATE GOAL_jdownloads_categories SET lft = lft + 2 WHERE lft >

Joomla 3.3
Php 5.4
Hosting 1and1

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 07.05.2014 14:55:23
Send me login data for your backend via PM - i think your installation process was not correct. Your hints confuse me and helped not really.
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 08.05.2014 01:23:27
the installation from jDownloads was not succesful and seems destroyed.
You should try this:
- deinstall jDownloads
- delete the subfolder jdownloads in your joomla folder
- delete with phpmyadmin all 'newer created jDownloads tables' in your DB (but not tables which are named like '...backup')
- but be careful with this tables, when you have older data which you will import later again
- install afterwards jDownloads again, but make a screenshot from the installation results message and post this here.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: bootpass on 10.05.2014 06:43:51

php my admin tables here I have (I can not find bakup tables)
lesquel do I remove

thank you

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 10.05.2014 09:47:34
I have not an idea, what you have done to get this DB result.  ???
You have now the old and the new tables complete muddled - this can not work.

- You need a database backup from the early installed jDownloads version 1.9.x. When you can not find it, you must all the downloads create new again in the new 3.2 version.
- i have your above alraedy written what you shall do

Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: bootpass on 10.05.2014 11:05:28

thank you for your patience,

1 - I uninstall jdownload
2 - I remove all the tables (I have a backup from a Version
3 - I install the 3.2.3 version available on the site

Here is the result

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 10.05.2014 11:20:13
I can your not say what exactly is wrong in your Joomla installation or your server settings.
Perhaps are your MySQL settings to small for the jD installation. So it can be useful to activate the debug option in your Joomla config for the installation process (to get more error messages).

Normally should you see after installation a message like this (see pic from Joomla 2.5 installation process).

Fact is that nobody else has the described problems. So it seems for me not really to be a jDownloads problem.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: bootpass on 10.05.2014 11:41:35
I started in debug mode to try to find what's wrong.
here is the error message

may be you'll understand me

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 10.05.2014 11:46:18
This are not important errors and can not be the problem.
But why have you not posted here the complete jDownloads results page? I see only the top from the jD Symbol...

You must deinstall first jD (and delete the db tables again) before you can start a new test!!!!
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: bootpass on 10.05.2014 12:02:31
Here the screen

what seems to me surprising despite uninstalling it still considers me misa date and not new installation

my table are simply remove or otherwise there is a me that an Escape
table jdownloads_


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 10.05.2014 12:13:36
Sorry, but this is the scrren from a update, not from a fresh installation process....

it seems for me the easist way when you send me login data for your phpmyadmin and for your backend... 
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 10.05.2014 12:23:11

Use the private message function...

By the way, the login data for 1&1 does it not.
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: bootpass on 11.05.2014 15:01:48
salvation did you find the problem and if so what was the problem
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 11.05.2014 17:39:34
Quote from: bootpass on 11.05.2014 15:01:48
salvation did you find the problem and if so what was the problem

It seems that you read not my answers?
I wait for (valid) login data for phpmyadmin via PM.
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: bootpass on 12.05.2014 09:29:26

I send you my username by MP
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 12.05.2014 15:03:12
I have found the problem and fixed it in version 3.2.5/2.5.7.
This problem has to do with uppercase definitions for database prefix.
The Joomla method getPrefix() and getTableList() can has as result different prefix values (lowercases and uppercases). This is now fixed in jDownloads.

So you can now use jdownloads in your Joomla installation - see pic from the installation result.  ;D
Many thanks for your help and your patience.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: bootpass on 12.05.2014 15:10:45
No problem
I know the risk of using the beta versions but I want to continue to use it for jDownloads quality and even more so now given the quality of the support

is what I just reload my 1.9.10 backup and remettres my subdirectory in the directory jDownloads?

so as not to create crash

and thank you for your help and your patience

continuous and  ;)
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 12.05.2014 15:19:11
When you will, you can now again remove the new version and delete also the tables.
Afterwards can you restore your old jD 1.9.x version and start after this the update process. Read before the update instructions in the documentation.
Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: bootpass on 14.05.2014 10:20:25

I remade my install with jd 1.9.10 and reload my backup
I followed the procedure migration jd 3.2 (3.2.5 beta)
The installation functioned without problem the bug is corrected


thank you beuoup

Title: Re: error after installation: Upload root folder not exist
Post by: Arno on 14.05.2014 11:07:21
Many thanks for your update!  ;)