jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => General => Topic started by: californiasteve on 23.05.2014 15:48:24

Title: Preview Graphics for Download
Post by: californiasteve on 23.05.2014 15:48:24
Is there a way to have jpg, bmp, gif, png and other graphics to be previewed before downloading?
Title: Re: Preview Graphics for Download
Post by: ColinM on 25.05.2014 19:18:32
Yes there is a way for some file types.  When you are creating or editing a download there is a section on the right hand side of the screen called Images.  This allows you to have up to 10 images associated with a download.  When you upload the picture jDownloads automatically creates a thumbnail.  This is shown on the front page view see attached pic where I have added two pictures.  If you click on either one you get a full size version.  If the Download itself is a PNG, JPG or GIF then jDownloads will automatically make a thumbnail.

For bmp images I suspect you would need a png or similar for the 'preview' thumbnail.


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