I tried to incorporate into the long description for the function module {loadposition} but it does not work.
Is this normal?
Is this feasible?
Otherwise it would be interesting to do so either in the description or in a specific field
thank you
This is never going to work as the jDownloads descriptions are text - they are not Content like a Joomla Article. It is not a bug.
Hm... i am not sure that this can not work.
- The module is on a text position displayed with a placeholder like this:
{loadposition myposition}
see: http://docs.joomla.org/How_do_you_put_a_module_inside_an_article%3F
- The work does this content plugin:
- so when you have activated in the jDownloads configuration (Tab Frontend) the support for ALL content plugins, it should do the job.
But i have not tested it. ::)