jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => General => Topic started by: damird on 24.06.2014 21:55:22

Title: Customizing the upload screen
Post by: damird on 24.06.2014 21:55:22
Is there a way to costumize how the upload page looks like?

I would like to display just a couple of "standard" fields + some additional fields like: the year of document publishment, the document type select list (extra field), the author of the document and some others.

Title: Re: Customizing the upload screen
Post by: ColinM on 25.06.2014 00:10:38
Yes there is in the Group Uploads.  There are settings for each user group.  But at the moment there is a bug that means jDownloads is not accessing the User Group correctly!  There are several dozen parameters you can control to customise for each user group.  I hope it will get fixed soon
