jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => General => Topic started by: wgdejonge on 28.01.2015 20:59:38

Title: No Jdownloads in search results
Post by: wgdejonge on 28.01.2015 20:59:38

De smart search / com_finderfunction does not show any Jdownloads result. It works perfectly with other search plugins, like JEvents.

Search - jDownloads plugin is published, but not visible in com_finder filter.
No Jdownloads items in index results. Reinitialised the index multiple times.

Is this a configuration fail or bug?
Any help is appreciated.

Using jDownloads Version 3.2.24 beta / Joomla 3.3.6.

Title: Re: No Jdownloads in search results
Post by: Arno on 04.02.2015 16:19:30
can you send me login data for frontend and backend via PM?
I have this plugin not more tested in the last months. But as we have it published it was okay.
Sorry for the late reply.
Title: Re: No Jdownloads in search results
Post by: wgdejonge on 04.02.2015 20:24:01
Hi Arno,

Please do login!
I`ve sent you a first pm with username password and a second pm with the testsite URL (forgot)

Title: Re: No Jdownloads in search results
Post by: Arno on 05.02.2015 00:44:02
Okay. You mean the 'smart search' component. For this exist not yet a jD plugin.  :-\
We must first be ready with the stable version before we can add it.

In the moment exist only a plugin for the simple 'search' component.
Title: Re: No Jdownloads in search results
Post by: wgdejonge on 05.02.2015 20:37:15
Oh, yes, i mean the smart seach.
The simple search componente is com_search. The smart search component is com_finder.
I assumed the present plugin was developed for the smart search also, sorry for the confusion.
No problem. I`ll use the simple search component instead for now. It works perefectly with Jdownloads.
Just lett me know if if you need some help testing when you`re done developing the smart search plugin