jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => General => Topic started by: paso on 13.02.2015 15:06:07

Title: ACL problem uploading from front-end [solved]
Post by: paso on 13.02.2015 15:06:07
Hello there!
I am experiencing a problem in uploading from front-end. I have a Joomla User Group "Test" and a user "Testuser" belonging to that group. In JDownloads I create a category "Test" and assign to the group "test" all permissions to that category (screenshot1.png).

When I try to upload a file from front-end I can select the category "test", but when I try to upload the file I get an error: "Save not permitted" (screenshot2.png)... what am I missing?? :-/

System Information:
Joomla! 3.3.6
Mysql 5.5.40
PHP 5.4.33
JDownloads 3.2.24 beta

Thank you for any help :-)


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: ACL problem uploading from front-end
Post by: Arno on 13.02.2015 16:44:49
please install this pre-release here:
Try it then again. We will tonight publish the new release.
Title: Re: ACL problem uploading from front-end
Post by: paso on 14.02.2015 11:52:49
Hi Arno,
problem solved with the new version, thank you! :-)
