jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => Topic started by: berni on 25.04.2015 13:13:24

Title: link
Post by: berni on 25.04.2015 13:13:24
how can I create a link like this


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: link
Post by: ColinM on 25.04.2015 17:45:38
I presume you want to create a link to either a Download or to a Category in your regular content or similar. 
If this is the case then you should use the jDownloads Content Plugin.  You insert something like {jd_file file==57} where 57 is the ID number of the download in jDownloads.  The Content Plugin shows many different possibilities such as showing a category. the 'Hottest' downloads and so on.

There is also a Button plugin that you can use with your Editor.

See also the Plugins tab in the jD Config.
