Is there a way to do bulk classification.. say I have 15 or 20 files for downloading and they are all going in to 1 cat. and I have another 20 or 25 in a diff cat. Do I have to make each file a download or can a bulk classify them???
After thinking more about this.. I suspect not cuz of the title name.. it Jdown doesn't appear to pull the title name from the file.. Ratz.. :P
If you use ftp or similar to upload files to their target category(directory) then auto monitoring will do the rest.
Actually I prefer to turn auto monitoring off {(Config - Monitoring tab Download directory monitoring? field) and then initiate monitoring manually from the jD Control panel. You can also upload a directory and it will create a new category. Takes names from file/directory as appropriate.
Also you can decide if you want it auto published (Automatically publish Downloads?field in Monitoring tab)plus a default description. Maybe one day jD will recognise a whole 'package' with descriptions, images and various fields - but not yet!!