Actually it does work OK. As the note bottom says you have to be careful if you re-order the list. This is because jD stores the index to the list, not the actual text.
The current default list, which incidentally could do with an update, is "- Select -, Joomla 1.0, Joomla 1.5, Windows, Linux, MacIntosh, See description"
So suppose you had previously set up a Download with system 'Windows' which is index 3 as the index values start at 0.
So if you remove the '- Select -,' and its comma then instead of showing 'Windows' as the system it will now show 'Linux' as it is now at index 3. If you start the list with a comma the 'Windows' entry again becomes index entry 3 so all is well. Actually the first entry on the list will now show a zero character. JDownloads treats the value with index zero as a special case and leaves it when it is displayed, that is it does not matter what is the first entry as it will always be replaced with nothing in the views.
QuoteImportant notice: Be careful if you have already saved some Downloads with this list in one order and then you re-order it. This is because it uses the position in the list and every change is passed on to the Downloads. So for example those Downloads saved with system as Joomla 1.5, could become if you reordered with Windows Vista now in the position which was previously that of Joomla 1.5. So always add new values at the end of the list.
Ok, It's clear now.
First item should be "-Select-" ;D