jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => General => Topic started by: Alex on 10.05.2016 19:41:31

Title: ReCaptcha alternative
Post by: Alex on 10.05.2016 19:41:31
Hello. Dose jDownloads 3.2.44 in Joomla 3.5.1 support other CAPTCHA except ReCaptcha? Thanks in advance for your reply.
Title: Re: ReCaptcha alternative
Post by: ColinM on 10.05.2016 20:36:28
jDownloads only supports the Recaptcha. It is simple to set up and very easy for a user.  See

Title: Re: ReCaptcha alternative
Post by: Alex on 10.05.2016 20:42:15
Thank you for your prompt response. I saw this article. But I'm interested in the possibility of using alternative CAPTCHA. Okay. It is not critical.  ;)