jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => General => Topic started by: Maradona on 26.02.2018 11:47:59

Title: Amazon S3
Post by: Maradona on 26.02.2018 11:47:59

I'm new here in jDownloads  ;)

I've serach in Documentation and this forum, try to find setting at the backend to configure upload to Amazon S3, but cannot find it anywhere.   ???

Under 'Downloads' tab, 'Upload directory path', there is no setting for Amazon S3 configurations.

Can you show me where and how to do it?  :-\

Thanks in advance for any help.  ;D

My version:

Joomla! 3.8.5 (fresh install)
jDownloads Version 3.2.56
Title: Re: Amazon S3
Post by: ColinM on 28.02.2018 14:51:22
There is no specific Amazon S3, Google drive or similar.  They are all supported as an External File Link.
Sowhen creating a Download under the Files Data section use the External File Link add the full reference to the relevant file as indicated in the attached pic.


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