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Permission Issue

Started by bassi, 21.01.2019 18:37:32

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I'm having a problem with a file.
I explain better:
I created some categories and sub-categories with more and more files.
I set the permissions for each category and files.
The last file gave me a problem, probably caused because I moved the folder from a category to another.
I checked the permissions and all is ok but the users that try to download the file receive the message:
"You don't have the permission to download this file"
Any solution?
Thank you in advance.


Hi Vito
How did you 'move' the file?  Was it using the site File Manager, by FTP or...Note A Download consists of o lot of database info, possibly pictures and usually a downloadable file.  jD knows where the file was located from its entry in the database but if you moveit outside jD then the database is 'upset'!!So I suggest you delete both the old entry and the new one using jD, and then re create.
If you do want to move a Download then in backed  use the Batch button on the Downloads
Colin M


See also pics to check the permissions easy. Use also the hints here (but must still be updated for the Joomla 3.9 version).

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