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File download start takes a long time

Started by sharpik, 15.03.2021 15:55:35

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I have a problem with file download start, it takes a long time for the download to appear (approx. 10-20 sec)
The file download directly from the website (without jDownloads) starts immediately
jDownloads version
Joomla tested with version 3.9.24 and 3.9.25


Have not had this previously with just a delay of about 15seconds.  But have had problems with some sites of around 60 seconds, which is the php.ini timeout period when a referenced website does not respond.
The 'external' website reference is not an explicit one but is internal to jDownload as the Joomla! Help system makes reference to help pages.  It seems probable that it is the jD help site that is either not responding or is blocked somehow.

Could you please let us know what your time out is set to.
Also you said
QuoteThe file download directly from the website (without jDownloads) starts immediately
Could you advise what you used to download please.
Best wishesColin
Colin M


Today it was about 12-14 sec.
A few days ago it was 20 seconds.
In between it was 5 seconds.
Tested with Chrome, Opera, Edge


at the moment (14:06) is at 25 sec.


Could you please try upgrading to 3.7.3 as it may have been fixed.
Is difficult to know as neither Arno or myself could reproduce the fault.
Colin M


it's all just because of logging.
After I have deleted all entries, it works normally again. Deleting all logs on the admin side is very cumbersome. I emptied the table (50 MB) on the database level.
There was also a backup log table of approx. 47 MB.
How should I proceed so that something like this no longer happens?


this logs has nothing to do with jDownloads. I know that Joomla creates sometimes a lot logs.
But I don't know where to turn this off. Maybe you can find out in a Joomla forum.
Or maybe can this help?

But very interesting that the error log creation can be the reason for this issue. Thanks a lot for this hint.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Hallo Arno,

es geht doch um die Protokollierung der getätigten Download- und Uploadvorgänge bei Jdownloads.



die Anzahl der gespeicherten Logs kannst du ja sehr einfach verändern. Siehe Pic.
Oder, wenn du keine Limitierungen bei den Usern eingestellt hast, auch ganz deaktivieren. Dies in den Optionen, TAB Frontend.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Hallo Arno,

Danke für die Rückmeldung!
Nur die Einstellung
Quote from: Arno on 30.04.2021 12:28:42
Dies in den Optionen, TAB Frontend.
ist für mich noch unklar.
Was für ein Schalter und wo finde ich ihn?

Vielleicht ist hier der richtige Punkt. (Siehe Bild)



du findest diese Einstellung im jDownloads System Plugin (siehe Pic). Nicht in den Einstellungen zur Komponente selbst.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Danke Arno!
Die Einstellung "Wieviele Tage sollen die Download Protokolle gespeichert bleiben" habe ich schon vorab gefunden, aber mit deaktivieren habe ich kein Menu-Schalter gesehen, auch unter System - jDownloads nicht. Oder auf 1 zu setzen?


aber die Opion hast du doch schon selbst oben gepostet! Einfach auf 'Nein' stellen.  ;)
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Could you please try upgrading to 3.7.3 as it may have been fixed.