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Impossible to hide fields in User Group Create/Edit [Solved - Not a bug ]

Started by pauline, 09.03.2015 11:27:38

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I created a group in Joomla which is a copy of "Registered" its name is "DRH". I would like that when a person of the group "DRH" adds a file, not all of the fields are displayed (price, version, language...).
But, when I uncheck some checkboxes, the fields are still displayed!! (in User Group Create/Edit options)

My user is only in the DRH group.

How can I do that?

Thank you in advance.

(Sorry for my english)


The questions that are asked in the upload form are specified individually for each user group in User Group Settings.  Also make sure your DRH user group has a higher Ranking Value than the Registered group. ( I presume that DRH has Registered as its Parent).  The articles below should help

Introduction to User Group Settings  See part towards bottom
Which User-Group is Used?
Controlled Access to Categories and Downloads (Permissions & Access Levels)

If you need more help please post again but anyway let us know if problem solved
Colin M



Thank you for your answer.
It's OK, it was because the Registered group had a higher ranking value.
So I modified the User Group Settings of the Registered Group and it works!

Thank you!!


Hi mmskmm
Does the solution given above not work for you?  Or is it different?  Have you looked at the documentation, which can be difficult if English is not your native tongue.

Maybe you could outline your problem in a little more detail if you find the above does not work for you.

Colin M


Hi Colin,
the post from mmskmm seems for me to be spam.
I can not find on the posted website jDownloads. So i have removed the public link.
Best Regards / Gruß
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