
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

Main Menu

main-navigation disappears when moving to a sub-category

Started by elionelle, 26.05.2015 13:31:23

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I would like to integrate a category into the main navigation. In general, this works fine. But when I try to navigate into a sub-category, the main navigation of my webpage disappears...

If I view all categories, the navigation works and I still see the Website-navigation when I click into the sub-categories.

Do I have to configure anything different?

jDownloads Version: 3.2.32
Joomla Version: 3.4.1



I found out something, that might be interesting... When I click a sub-category the breadcrumbs are not showing the right place on the website... only the start page is showing...

So when I click a sub-category I'm not in the normal navigation tree?

This is different to the option "all categories"... here the breadcrumbs show every single sub-category...



Hi Elionelle
When you say you want to
Quoteintegrate a category into the main navigation.
do yo mean that you want a menu item that links directly to a particular category?

In my jD test site I have a very simple main menu as shown in the attached.  When I use one of the menu item then it shows the required result and the main menu remains in its position.

I am not really understanding your question.  Some pictures might help.  Basically jDownloads shows items in the main content area just like a normal article.  Menus appear in a module position.
As a quick thought could you check with the Plugin manager that plugin System - jDownloads is enabled


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M


I don't want to view a category tree in the navigation. It is like I stated in my second post... that I am not in the normal navigation structure if I click on a aub-category...



The pic I showed was just a vertical main menu rather than a horizontal one.  Please PM me details of your site and what I need to do to see the problem and please in simple steps!!
Colin M


Have looked at your site.  Think you need to create a menu item for jDownloads - login you gave me does not allow me to do this!  Temporarily put it in the main menu, we can later put it in a hidden menu.  Use the jD menu type List All Categories.  This will be needed any way.

Colin M


Hi Colin,
I put now a menu type list "All Categories" in the main menu... whats next? :)



Have just looked at your site.  The side bar no longer disappears! ;D
So I think problem is solved.  Maybe I should strengthen the documentation about this point. ::)

Colin M


Hi Colin,
well, but thats not what I need... in fact I would like to see only one category (and sub-categories).



But you were concerned about "main-navigation disappears when moving to a sub-category" which is corrected!!  Do you mean you want the main navigation to disappear!!!  I think you do not want that.

You are now asking a different question.  If you only want to be able to see one Category one way is to have a jD menu link to a single category in your navigation.  For example you could have a jD menu item for category "Informationsarchiv" and another one for "Formularcenter".  Also perhaps some direct to  sub categories.

This then raises the question whether you want all users to see everything or you want to restrict different users to be able to only download certain Downloads.  Again all reasonably straight forward but it involves Permissions , User Groups and Access Levels.   It would be better to start another forum topic as it is quite different from the present one

Colin M


Hi Colin,
well, I don't think that this is a different question.

The fact is, that if iIuse the "All-categories" Menulink, I can see the main navigation (on the left) the whole time I click some sub categories in the download sections.

Another fact is, that if I use the "One category" Menulink, I cannot see the main navogation (on the left) when I click a aub category...

I has nothing to do with special user restrictions. It is just that the Menu link "All categories" works different as the "One category" link. I would like to use the "one category" link the same way as the "All categories" link. The only difference for me is, that I start the download section at another entry point. I would like to have different download sections on the website.

Or is there a way to have complete different download category trees in the jdownload tool?

for example:

I have three download sections.

 May 2015
  June 2015
  1 subcategory
  2 subcategory
  1 subcategory
  2 subcategory

And I just wand to see "Data" and at some other place I just want to see "Newsletter"




We can work on that.  Note that we have not seen this 'disappearing' problem with different reactions to different menu links previously.  Normally it just needs one of the menu types but something may have changed or there is some other unknown interaction.    I cannot reproduce on my test site but it is obviously happening on your site.  To understand the problem better I really need to be able to to get to full admin access on your site as otherwise I am guessing.  I would like to set up menu items to the individual categories and  also have one item to all to explore the effects.  You say there are no permission problems as all are public.

In summary as I understand it you would like three menu links, one to each of the top level categories; these are to be available publicly to everyone; and the navigation is in a left side pane.  Is that the objective?

Colin M