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Category Description not showing

Started by donlussi, 03.04.2016 16:01:21

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Maybe I'm not turning something on or I'm doing something wrong but I entered a description in the description field for the root category Punch! Objects and it's not showing on the frontend.   See images.  


[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Adding more info:

Description is not showing for ANY categories in any of the 4 browsers:  Safari, Chrome, Edge, and IE.  I switched to the 4-column layout.
However, the descriptions will show with the category: standard 2-column layout.

My old site used to have descriptions with the 4-column layout.  See image.

Thanks again

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


I figured it out!!
In the layout I added "{cat_description1}
" after the cat_title break.
But for some reason it adds a large space after the description and before the  sum_subcats.
I only put one break after the description ... seems like it's adding 2 breaks.  See image.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Ok, now something else has happened.  

1st:  Only the first category lists "subcategories".  It should be for all even if 0.  See image.  

2nd:  The last category "Plants & Creative Elements" doesn't show any submits or files????

I've attached the 4-colum category layout I'm using.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]


When you entered the description you used the Paragraph setting - see pic below. So with that it will automatically start the next part on a new line. That is  adding the
 causes the line space.  You might be better to set JCE as your default Editor.

As far as I am aware jD3.2 has never shown Subcategories: 0 or the equivalent.  I understand it was by requests from users that it should be suppressed.  Maybe you could add it to the suggestions that it is a configuration setting for the Front End.

PS in the new layouts there is a 2 Column version that works better on small devices.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M


Hi Colin,  I am using JCE and JCE isn't being used when working with your layout.

I used the same 4 column layout I used years ago.  See image attached.  It had breaks in it and worked fine.   It also had main directories that had subcategories that were empty and a ZERO listed.

The 2nd image shows the current site.  I took the break out before the description but I had to  leave the break in after the description otherwise it wouldn't look right. So it is apparent it needs at least one break.  Why after and not before? I know what a paragraph is and I know what a break is.  I am not using an editor. I am writing directly in the layouts. 

The  3rd image shows the current site and is showing the sub-directories of a main directory.  These subcategories are listed with a ZERO.  



[gelöscht durch Administrator]


For the layouts yes one does write directly.  I meant it is when writing the Description that the Editor gets involved, and that is where the paragraph gets generated. But I agree with you it looks better if they are separated.

However what I had not spotted previously is that the 4 column layout behaves differently when showing the Overview to when showing a category with multiple sub categories.  Will look into this - seems my earlier comment was not correct! :(
Colin M


I think I forgot to send the 2nd image.

It's attached.

On the first title Punch Objects, I removed the break before the cat_description but left it after.  As you can see the break after the description did not cause a space before the sub_catts - which is the way it should act.  Because a break just means go to the next line.  On the other categories I accept the space because it's looking for a cat_description in that area.  But what I don't understand is that I removed the break before the description, so I would think that if no description is present then there would be no space.  Are you following me?  I used to write a little bit of code so I know what I'm doing here. :-)

I can only think it's related to the width of the column ..........

Oh, I never used a paragraph when writing the description. So  that's not the reason.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Two things
First I have identified the code that is causing the Categories to be omitted when there are no sub cats.  Will discuss with Arno when v42 has been sorted - its too late to make a change as it is in final test.

Secondly the code generated for displaying a sub category, its picture, title, description etc is like below. NOTE I have used XXXX etc to hide actual addresses for security  I have highlighted the <p> Paragraph which is generated by the Editor used to add in the text in the paragraph.  That is the editor automatically encloses the text in a <p>   ....   </p> html code sequence.  <p> is a block level item.
<td style="padding:5px; text-align:center" width="25%">
  <a href="ZZZZ/category/41-punch-plans">
     <img src="XXXXXX/jdownloads/catimages/house2.png" style="text-align:top;border:0px;" alt="house2.png" height="48" width="48">
  <b><br><a href="YYYYYY/category/41-punch-plans">Punch! Plans</a></b>
   <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: center; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica; color: #454545;">UNDER CONSTRUCTION:</p>
   <br>Files: 0

I used Firefox Inspector to show the code

Colin M


Thanks Colin, I see the same thing using the "inspector" in Safari. Your explanation sounds reasonable; however, the old site layout I copied and pasted into the new site and both look different so something changed somewhere between the two.  But it's not major.  I look forward to the next update.

Thank you