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Logs stopped updating for file uploads. Email notifications not sending

Started by SwCharlie, 24.01.2016 18:13:34

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Good day,

I hope I am in the right section - if not, please change category.

As mentioned in the subject, the logs are not updating anymore (worked for the first 4 uploads since first installation), and the email notifications has never worked.
I have:
1. PHP mail enabled in Global Configurations with email address it should send from.
2. set the account to which this should be sending to (in configurations -> emails) as well as enabled it.
The one I am specifically looking for is updating users once a file has been uploaded. Should I perhaps change the settings to SMTP mail options, or should I code this in myself?

Jdownloads version: 3.2.41,
Joomla version:3.4.8,
PHP 5.5.28,
MySQLi 5.5.47-cll,

Thanks in advance.


Please excuse the various question but I am trying to narrow thing down. 

In Joomla! Global Config - Server Settings have you set Send Mail to Yes, Mailer to PHP Mail, the From email and the From Name fields?
Have you tested sending an email from Joomla!
Presume you have set up all the relevant fields in jD Config - Emails tab.  Is that correct?
Have you looked at database table
xxx_jdownloads_logs where xxx is your prefix to see what contents it has?  If so what do you find?


Colin M


Thanks for the quick response.

In Joomla! backend, I have the settings as:
Send mail: yes
Mailer: PHP Mail
From email: my email account
From Name: my name

I have tested the email from the system using Joomla's "mass mail users" option, and it works fine.

The settings in E-Mail Configuration for File Uploads:
Activate e-mail: Yes
Use HTML-formatting: No
E-mail address: (ofcourse my actual email)
Subject: A new file has been uploaded.
E-Mail Layout:
File Upload Report

Sender: {name}
E-Mail: {mail}
IP-Adress: {ip}

Downloaded details

Filename: {file_name}
Title: {file_title}
Description: {description}
Date: {date}

Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply.

I have checked the database table _jdownloads_logs. It contains the same contents as shown in the Joomla! JDownload component backend.



Regarding the Logs, it seems like it updates a few hours later. Why is this? Is it somehow running on a cron job?

Best Regards


The logs should update almost immediately. So I did some tests.
Initially they did update immediately but later they did not so that will become a separate issue.

In regard to the emails all your setup looks good. Do you have Joomla! caching turned on?  If yes can you try with it turned off please.

Colin M


Hi Colin

The reason I initially brought up the logs issue was because I thought I could link it to the email notification issue, or in fact use it for sending notifications, by customising the script. Not sure if it is indeed currently linked (as I haven't checked the code)?

Would it be possible to use SMTP details with this script (as it is more reliable than PHP mailer), or is this something I should code in myself?

The cache settings are:
Cache *: OFF - Caching Disabled
Cache Handler: File (irrelevant?)
Cache Time: 5000

Sssion Lifetime: 5000
Session Handler: Database

Best Regards


i know that this function worked properly for many thousand users.
So it must be a problemn with your configuration/settings.

Use you any download limitations (in jD: User Groups Settings)?
Use you passwords in Downloads?

When you have never get an e-mail notification, must also here be a setting wrong.
Please try it with SMTP and post here the result.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Hi Arno,

To answer your questions:

Q: Use you any download limitations (in jD: User Groups Settings)?
A: Please see attached User Group Settings Screenshot

Q: Use you passwords in Downloads?
A: Nope.

Q: When you have never get an e-mail notification, must also here be a setting wrong.
Please try it with SMTP and post here the result.
A: I have set the email settings to SMTP. I have found that activating the "E-Mail Configuration for Downloads" section, I get an email, no problem.
Having the same settings as the "E-Mail Configuration for Downloads", but in the "E-Mail Configuration for File Uploads", I do not get any notifications. Not sure whether "E-Mail Configuration for Downloads" function worked with PHP mailer, as this is the first time I am checking it (with SMTP set).
There is not really an error message I get, even if the error reporting in Joomla configuration is set to development/Maximum.

Best Regards

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


I have now noticed that uploading files from the frontend (instead of backend), notifications are being sent.
Is it normal for updates not to send when uploading files from the backend? Not sure if this is now considered a bug or just a missing feature?

Best Regards


Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Okay. Seems to be a missunderstanding.  ::)
But also not correct described in the configuration. The e-mail for new uploaded files is only send when it is uploaded in the frontend.

I have checked the log function and the both e-mail notifications. But i can not find any problem. Tested with 'PHP mail'. See pics.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Suggestion below for revised translation (also noted a redundant )


COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_SETTINGS_SEND_MAILTO_OPTIO N_UPLOAD_DESC="If this is activated an e-mail is sent to the address specified below after every upload. For this to work you must activate the PHP mail function in the Joomla Global Configuration."

Suggested revision

COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_SETTINGS_SEND_MAILTO_OPTION_UPLOAD_DESC="If this is activated an e-mail is sent to the address specified below after every upload that is created in the Front End, it does not send emails for Downloads created in the Back End. For emails to be sent you must activate the PHP mail function in the Joomla Global Configuration."

Language file is located at administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jdownloads.ini

See attached pic for on screen appearance of suggested modification.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M