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Error 406 Not Acceptable from Configuration

Started by hps, 18.01.2016 21:59:07

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I have a new install of jdownloads 3.2.41
Joomla version : 3.4.8 Stable [ Ember ] 24-December-2015 19:30 GMT

I had previously installed jdownloads and went through your entire uninstall process before starting this new one.  The new install had no errors but when I enter the configuration I cannot SAVE or event CANCEL without getting error 406



I do not know much on this error and I have never seen it before!
But it seems to be to do with server rules see
Arno may know better.  In meantime I suggest you contact your hosting service for assistance.

PS why did you uninstall the previous version? Which version was the previous one?
Colin M



I'd removed the old version some time ago as it wasn't what we wanted at the time - we were looking for simple attachments and this was overkill.    I don't know when (maybe last summer).  

This week the requirements changed (we're trying to get a document repository up and running) to I tried a reinstall jdownloads.  

The new version complained about "residual configuration" so (obvioulsy I had not done a complete uninstall before).  Thinking that might be the source of the 406 error, I went throught the complete uninstall process and insalled again.

Same 406 error persists.  I know that when I "prototyped" the original installation I had no errors.


If you send me Super User access details by Private Message then I will take a look.
Can you double check that the database is OK as I will not be able to see that.

Colin M


Database appears to be fine

Found this error message :

PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxxxxxx/administrator/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php on line 287

PLUS this in my host error log:

File does not exist: /home/xxxxxx/public_html/administrator/hplogo.gif, referer: http://xxxx/administrator/index.php?option=com_jdownloads


fixed the hplogo.gif --- it was the logo for my service provider not appearing on the error 406   --- 

The invalid argument error was from yesterday - most likely before the removal / reinstall so that's not what's happening now.

I may be giving up on this one and finding another solution.



It would be a shame if after this effort you moved elsewhere .  The 406 error was not due to jD.
Have you set a high warning level for errors.  The top level is overstrict and is largely due to the php changing things.

Colin M



Will send you access information later this week --   Thanks

Josée Lebel

Hi, I have the same problem (Error 406 for the configuration) but I checked the database and it does not connect properly. I change the value of an image in
the table`vwq_jdownloads_config` and it does not show in the administration interface or the user interface.

I hope that this will help to resolve the problem.