
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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Error installing [Solved - not jD problem]

Started by LeRoux, 17.02.2016 06:33:25

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Hi, I am getting the following error when I try to install com_downloads 3.2.41- "Unknown column 'type_alias' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT * FROM gtqpy_content_types WHERE type_alias = '"

Any ideas why this is happening ?


No real idea! Not seen this before.  The type_alias is referenced by jD in connection with Joomla! tags. So it could be that the tags component is not set up or similar or it could be you had a bad install.

Was this a new install or an upgrade or a migration?
Best if you use the Upload Package file to install jD as the other modes of installing are in our experience less reliable.

Colin M


Hi, Thanks for the reply, solved it, it had nothing to do with jdownloads, it was the content_types table that was missing in joomla database.  :)


Thanks for letting us know.
Colin M