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permission to user to access to his folder

Started by gianmarco, 04.03.2016 15:44:37

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Hello everyone, I am writing you one example, to make me understand my doubt:

I do jhon a user who needs to access a folder called jhon to publish only from its files,

jonn the folder has permissions configured on jdownloader in a group of access under publisher, called john-permission.

that levels of access I have to give john in the user configuration of Joomla? only author and jhon-permission or even editor, and registered?


First have you looked at the documentation - it might help

By Directory I presume you mean  a Category in jD terms, which has a directory associated with it.  Now in Joomla! the permissions are treated for User Groups (UGs) but of course you can have a UG with just one user.  So set up a UG with Registered as its parent, not a good idea to use Editor , Publisher or other UGs.  A User can belong to multiple UGs.
So set up a UG called  jhon_ug with Registered as parent.  Set up a top level category called say  jhon_cat.  If you want only UG  jhon_ug to seee this category then set up a View Access Group called say  jhon_view with  jhon_ug as its only member.

Now we go to Category  jhon_cat and set the permissions for UG  jhon_ug Download as Allowed and Save.  Also set Access to  jhon_view if needed. Again Save.
Now you can add Sub Categories and Downloads to Category  jhon_cat and the various permissions will cascade down.  You can then set up a menu link to show all cats and only the  jhon_cat will be shown if user  jhon is logged in.

There is also a variant which may be better suited provided you ensure that user  jhon is the creator of the Downloads.  In this case the menu item List My Downloads is better.  You could set up the basic structure and give each user their own sub category from which they can download only their own Downloads.

The above is a brief outline of possibilities - please ask again after trying out and reading the docs if you need more assistance

Colin M