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Frontend Upload script stops after 15 seconds

Started by Lena, 21.03.2016 09:15:20

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I have a problem with the frontend upload script. While uploading larger files (10-15MB) the script stops after 15 seconds and the form reloads with all settings except the choosen file. Uploading smaller files works fine.

I changed the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size, just to be sure.
The max_execution time is extended to 300.
I searched in the forum, Google, ruled out plugins. I have been at it for results...
I also send you a link to the site and a user account.

  • Joomla! Release version: 3.4.8 Stable
  • jDownloads version: 3.2.41
  • PHP: 5.6.19
  • file_uploads: Yes
  • upload_max_filesize: 50M
  • post_max_size: 100M
  • memory_limit: 128M
  • max_input_time: -1
  • max_execution_time: 300
  • MySQL: 5.5.47-0
  • Hosted: 1&1


I believe that 1&1 is a very busy, low cost, sharing style hosting service.  As I recall it does not use cPanel or similar.  No doubt Arno will check further but I suspect this is a server problem.

Colin M


Hi Colin,
you're right. 1&1 is very busy and low cost. Nevertheless I have access to a control panel to configure FTP, databases, phpmyadmin etc.
I installed joomla via the control panel. The default setting is safe mode. I changed this into Standard Mode to configure the php.ini. Just for further information...




I switched on the debugging and had the error message, that the file size (in this case a 7MB MP3 file) was not allowed.
But the Server Info says otherwise. I made two screenshots.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Hi Lena,
in jDownloads can every user group have here own upload limits in the frontend.
So you must:
- go to the jD User Groups Settings
- click then on the user group from this member and change the limits for: "Allowed File Size in KB".
  (see pic from the documentation)
Here is the Documentation for this optionen:

Since this is not a bug i will move it to a different category.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
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Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Hi Arne,

the User Groups Settings were correct. I found the solution. My php.ini config file is located in the /administrator folder. After creating a .usier.ini file within the root folder it worked just fine!
Nevertheless thanks for the fast response and help!



Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!