
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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Hide data creations, Hit adn download size

Started by seadas, 22.04.2016 12:00:43

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Hi Guys
I've a very easy question for you (I guess)
I need to hide
1- data creation
2 - Download size
3 - hits

Question is: there's option or I must edit layout?
In case of yes, which layout must be edited?


Removing those items is by editing the relevant layouts.  The Layouts concerned are the active Files layout and the active Download Details layout.

Firstly please ensure you are using jD v42. If you have updated from jD v41 or earlier  you will have two sets of layouts in each class: the v2.5 ones which are now deprecated; and the new v3.2 ones.  If you made a completely new install install. You should also switch to the v3.2 layouts if updated.

Please see for a better understanding of the  layouts.  There are also notes on editing layouts - please note that these are in the process of being updated for the v3.2 versions but the principles are the same.

The 'place-holders' you need to remove are listed below
{created_date_title} {created_date_value}
{hits_title} {hits_value}
{filesize_title} {filesize_value}

If  for example you are using "Standard Files Layout v3.2" then  clicking on that layout name in the  Files section of the Layouts then first make a copy by clicking on Save as Copy button.  This will give you a new version called "Standard Files Layout v3.2 (2)".  You can then change it a different name if you like.  Note  one of the reasons  for  making a copy is that you have a backup if things go wrong!  Another is that the Standard default versions may be overwritten on an update so your changes could be lost.
This layout has a section as below
        <div class="jd_files_minipic" style="">{license_text}</div>
        <div class="jd_files_minipic" style="">{author_text}</div>
        <div class="jd_files_minipic" style="">{author_url_text}</div>
        <div class="jd_files_minipic" style="">{created_date_value}</div>
        <div class="jd_files_minipic" style="">{language_text}</div>
        <div class="jd_files_minipic" style="">{system_text}</div>
        <div class="jd_files_minipic" style="">{filesize_value}</div>
        <div class="jd_files_minipic" style="">{hits_value}</div>

So in this case just delete the lines with the relevant place holder.

If you are using say "Standard Files Layout without Checkboxes v3.2" then make a copy as noted above.  This layout has blocks  of  code like
            <div class="jd_field_row" style="">
                 <span class="jd_field_title">{filesize_title}</span>
                 <span class="jd_field_value">{filesize_value}</span>

So with this remove the entire block.

The "Standard Details Layout v3.2 - Full Info" layout has similar blocks of code like the "Standard Files Layout without Checkboxes v3.2" so again delete the entire relevant block. But before you do note that the information section of "Standard Details Layout v3.2 - Full Info" is a two column display, well actually four columns if title and value place-holders are treated as separate columns.  So to keep a balanced look you might find it better to move blocks about so it has a better appearance.

Of course after creating the   new layouts you need to make them the Active ones.

PS in a couple of days time there will be some new Files layouts that give a more compact view as shown in the attached picture.  These will be available as separate downloads from a Layout Library

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M


First of all..thanks for answer
I need to update jdownload version.
Which steps you suggest me to do this?
I've many downoload files inside...there's some risk to loose all? (files, settings, etc..etc)
Still thanks


I assume you are already on the jD v3.2 series There should be no problems but before doing so let us know what version.   Jd  keeps all the Downloads, database infi, pictures and the like during an up grade of the 3.2 series

If you are  on an earlier series (jd2.5, jd 1.9) then  look at the documentation as there are step by step procedures.  Moving up from these is a distinct migration.  Also let us know the approximate number of downloads to say the  nearest 100. The  main challenge with the migration is the lack of server resources.

In any case if you are concerned make a full system backup (eg Akeeba) and use the jD tools  to backup the database.

Colin M


Hello Colin
yes I've 3.2.41.
and in this case which steps I must follow ? :D


You first  need to update to 3.2.42 as that is when the 3.2 series layouts were released.  You will have the now deprecated v2.5 versions, which are Table based, and the v3.2 versions which are  <div based.

The steps are basically as outlined in my first reply but also see
and maybe if you are not familiar with layouts

Essentially you need to remove the relevant place holder that is the part or parts in {     }.  Usually better to replace the immediate surrounding code as well.
So MAKE A COPY, then make the copy the Active version.  Try it and there should  be  no change.  Then edit the newly copied  one as an experiment, Save and re-load the front end page.  It should reflect your change.  If it all goes awry then revert back to the original one. You may be able to fathom out what went wrong.   But if not delete the now bad one and start again with another copy.  It  is actually quite simple but at first it seems clearly much too difficult!

And if you get really stuck attach a pic with the bits you want removed and what is the name of the  layout you are using.  I will then  send you an edited one you can import and see what  I have done

Colin M


hi Everyone
I fixed all.
Problem was that I want hide, data creation, size, and hits for each file listed on a category.
Step that I followed are this
I'm using "Standard Files Layout without Checkboxes v2.5"

1- I created a copy
2 - I modified code in this way with inserting <!-- and closing with --> before and aftet tab under Download section

<!-- <table class="{featured_detail_class}" width="100%" style="padding:3px;">    
      <td width="75%" align="left" valign="top">{description}<br />{mp3_player}<br />{mp3_id3_tag}</td>
      <td valign="top">{screenshot_begin}<a href="{screenshot}" rel="lightbox"> <img src="{thumbnail}" align="right" /></a>{screenshot_end}
      <td width="15%" valign="top"> {created_date_title}<br /> {filesize_title}<br /> {hits_title}</td>
      <td text-align="right" width="10%" valign="top">{created_date_value}<br />{filesize_value}<br />{hits_value}</td>
</table> -->

On this way I reduced space from one download and next

Attachment shot display result
Still Thanks Colin!

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Glad note helped.
You should upgrade to  next release. It will not loose anything. It is done by thousands of people.

Colin M