
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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New Uploads not listed in download page

Started by Jacques, 30.05.2016 09:58:04

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jDownloads: 3.2.44
Joomla: 3.5.1
Upgraded to Joomla 3.5.1 - Old downloads are working fine, but new download are not showing for download on the download page? If you search, the file is available and can be downloaded?

If I click "Check Download Area now" I get 404 error - category not found?

Any Help?


This is strange! Were there any errors during the Joomla! upgrade?  Are you using Joomla! Caching? Have you logged out and cleared cache, and then retried?
To look any further we will probably need Super Admin access sent  by PM (Private Message) not in the forum

Colin M


Hi Colin,

Thank You for your reply. I found that the new uploads are listed way down the ordering! Normally they would be 1 (as new? This doc was listed as 123?? I moved it up to one and it was listed as expected!


The default ordering is by ID.  You could change that to Date  or just click on the  Date Tab
In Config  Front End Tab see Downloads default sort order Alsosee Select the sortable fields.

Colin M

