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Recent updates - problem

Started by OldShaterhan, 28.03.2018 22:59:35

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I need to create a some kind of register with recent changes (on some subpages). I know that there's module for Recent, but when I use it, it isn't visible anywhere.
I would also instead of that kind (as the pinned to template) to use it as a subpage. Is it possible to do it that way?



You can do what you want to do OK
Do you know what your template locations are?  Are you familiar in general with using Modules in Joomla! and assigning them to appear on particular places?  You might like to search the web for suitable instructions on How to use Joomla modules.  The jD modules are the same as any other module in Jommla in these respects.
Let me know if you are still struggling after doing a bit of reseach on Joomla modules.  Like many tings they may seem complicated at first but once you have used them you wonder what was th problem!!
Colin M


Yeah, a bit.
But in general - as I said before, I would like to use it as a single page - how can I do that? Of course, I can add module (btw. I added it at right side on subpage with files, but nothing is shown), but I don't know how to add it as a additional subpage.


Not sure I quite understand what you are trying to do!  I think it is that you would like to put the jD Recent module to show on a separate page on your site.  Is that correct?

Assuming it is you could use the Regular Labs free extension 'Modules Anywhere'  in an article.  This then means you need to have a link or a menu item that would show the article.

Colin M


I would create to special subpage, where in the main content (the same place as articles, download files) are recent changes.


You could use for it the jD content plugin with a syntax like this:
QuoteListing last updated only from select categories
{jd_file cat_updated==*CID1,*CID2,*CID3 count==*N} eg {jd_file cat_updated==17,35 count==6} lists the 6 most recently updated Downloads from the categories with IDs 17 and 35.
See plugin description and jDownloads documentation.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Hmm, I tried and unfortunately - nothing... What's more: Content - jDownloads is turned on.


I think that we are not understanding properly what you want to do. :(
Could you perhaps tell us which template you are using please. And it might help if you could send some pictures of what you would like to see..

Are you familiar with showing a module in a Template position?

Could you also explain what you mean by a sub page.  Is this a part of a screen view, say like a footer, or is it a separate viewd page altogether?

Colin M