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how to show converted custom field in layout

Started by nicolaas1, 14.08.2020 03:05:02

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Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Still not clear how i can put it in the information box, place field above is at top of page, at the bottom is blow the page, after title from download, does not work.
And no word on how to put this in the information section.
Was possible with the previous version.
A good step by step picture guide would be nice


Okay. I think you're right.
We need still an example step by step or maybe a short video.
I'm currently on the road. But I will try to give you later today an example.  :)
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


here a short step by step instruction:

First Step:
- go to the jDownloads Options
- click on the Frontend TAB
- nearly at the end from the page you will see the option: Activate support for all Joomla Content Plugins (pic 1)
- activate it and save the options

Step Two:
- go to the Fields page and open every required Field
- go to the Options TAB and check the Automatic Display option (pic 2)
- this must be on Do not automatically display

Step Three:
- go to the Fields page and note the required field IDs (pic 3)

Step Four:
- go to the active jDownloads Layout
  (this can be from type Downoads or/and Download Details
- on the right site you see a special hint to display Fields (pic 4)
- add now the required placeholders in the layout and save it

Example for the Field 1 in the default Downloads Layout:
            <div class="jd_field_row" style="">
                 <span class="jd_field_title">{jdfield_title 1}</span>
                 <span class="jd_field_value" style="">{jdfield 1}</span>

Step Five:
- go to the Frontend and check the result  ;)
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Thanxs, that was clear.

One more tingh why are <p> and </p> not allowed, please ad this so we can put these in a field to create a line between items, now i have to do this from the database. :)