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Not looking good

Started by rlube, 02.11.2014 02:24:46

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I am redeveloping a site using J3.3.6 and your newest beta. I am doing this on a xampp setup on a PC. I am disappointed that so many php errors are coming up. I attach an image. It shows the all-documents component page, and the jdownloads latest module. I am happy to answer specific questions about what I am doing to help you provide solutions.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


It would be helpful to know what level of error reporting you have set.  Arno will be able to answer this better than me!
Colin M


the mostly warnings and notices are fixed with the last version 3.2.15 but a few exist still and shall be fixed with the next release.
But when you set back the 'error levels' in the Joomla global configuration to 'default', all messages will be removed.
By the way, this is the normal setting.
Best Regards / Gruß
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