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save upload in front end is "not allowed" [not a bug]

Started by carin, 23.08.2014 00:33:40

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* front end
* upload a file and save the upload

* the upload gets saved after all required fields are edited

* error: "Fehler: Speichern nicht erlaubt"
Joomla 3.2 | jD 3.2 | PHP 5.3 | Apache 2


I have looked in all the language files, and then in all the source files of jd32 for 'Speichern nicht erlaubt' - but I could not find it.  I needed to find the English equivalent as my German is not good!  :( The Google translation was 'Save not allowed'.

The only places I found 'nicht erlaubt'  was in message below, which occurs twice, once in admin and once in site language files.

COM_JDOWNLOADS_FIELD_ALIAS_DESC="Der Alias der in der SEF-Adresse benutzt wird. Lassen Sie ihn leer damit Joomla einen Standardwert verwenden kann. Dieser Wert hängt von den SEO Einstellungen ab (Globale Konfiguration - Webseite).
Die Verwendung von Unicode produziert UTF-8-Aliase. Sie können auch manuell eingegeben werden als UTF-8-Zeichensatz. Leerzeichen und einige verbotene Zeichen werden geändert in Hyphen.
Wenn Standard Transliteration verwendet werden,  wird ein Alias in Kleinbuchstaben und mit Bindestrichen anstelle von Leerzeichen erzeugt werden. Sie können den Alias auch manuell eingeben. Verwenden Sie Kleinbuchstaben und Bindestriche (-). Leerzeichen oder Unterstriche sind nicht erlaubt. Standardwert wird ein Datum und die Uhrzeit sein, wenn der Titel in nicht lateinischen Buchstaben geschrieben wird."

Any more info would be helpful

Colin M


Have been looking at your HUGE BUG - think that might be cause of this problem.  Have found another variant on your BIG BUG which I will post soon

When I did new upload from backend I got message "Error  Save failed with the following error: File could not be uploaded. Check the rights on your server (FTP: set to CHMOD 0755). See FAQ on setting file access rights."  In reality the directory for the category had not been created - hence the failure!

Colin M


... I checked the folder name for the category I was trying to upload and the folder names are equal in the category and on the server. The HUGE BUG has a different cause.
Joomla 3.2 | jD 3.2 | PHP 5.3 | Apache 2


I just noticed that the error message is produced by the Joomla core with JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_SAVE_NOT_PERMITTED. That led me to check the permission inherritence and since jDownloads is the only extension that does not inherrit from the Joomla user table I forgot to set "create" permissions globally for jDownloads for all my +100 user groups. With that the upload works but now with the global create permission I have to go through all the categories and disable each single user group that is not allowed to upload in the category which is a maintenance nightmare at +1000 categories.
Joomla 3.2 | jD 3.2 | PHP 5.3 | Apache 2


Presently Arno is working on making the permissions, and the Access levels, cascade- that is they should be inherited.
Colin M


Just to update.  There will shortly be an extra tool that will allow existing categories and downloads to have permissions cascaded down from a selected category to all its children, their children and so on.  Expect it to be in 3.2.17 as 3.2.16 is out very soon (3.2.16 is targeted at getting sort order corrected).

Colin M