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Extension to date time format

Started by ColinM, 01.03.2015 15:12:42

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Setting up time/date format in Config with language sensitive strings such as
{en-GB}H:m d/m/Y{/en-GB}
{fr-FR} H \h s d/m/Y{/fr-FR}
{de-DE}H:m d.m.Y{/de-DE}

works very well.  For example with French as the default site language then the above produces the expected result 20 h 05 25/02/2015
However if one switches to a language that is not listed, dutch say, then the result is crazy and such as below
Quote{UTC2-20897}20:02 25/02/2015{/UTC2-20897} {fWed, 25 Feb 2015 20:33:05 +0000-februariR}

Would it be possible to have a default format if the current language does not match one of the language ones?  This could be one of the automatic formats such as LC2, or it could be explicit by say adding a code at the end as below, or perhaps explicitly having a language tag like {default}H:m d/m/Y{/default}
{en-GB}H:m d/m/Y{/en-GB}
{fr-FR} H \h s d/m/Y{/fr-FR}
{de-DE}H:m d.m.Y{/de-DE}
H:m d/m/Y

Colin M


Hi Colin,
i have it changed. So when we can not get a format string from the configuration is always use the language LC2 / LC4 format string.
Best Regards / Gruß
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