
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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The requested page can't be found

Started by jfahn, 12.04.2016 21:08:37

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I have installed JDownloads on joomla 3.5.1.  This is a fresh server install of centos 7.  I had seen a forum post regarding this same issue where Arno mentioned he hadn't seen this issue before.  I'm having the same issue.  Here are the things I know.

The backend seems to be working fine.  I can create categories, change permissions, etc.  For the front end  I created a menu item for each option available for jdownloads.  File upload, show all categories, show my downloads, show one category, etc.  On the front end the only thing that works is the upload files menu item.  That allows me to upload items just fine.  All the other ones result in "The requested page can't be found".

I have also tried manually copying in the link joomla gives instead of the "readable URL" that it normally creates and that doesn't work either.  When none of that worked I uninstalled jdownloads, removed all db entries, removed all folders jdownloads created in the joomla directories, and reinstalled.  It resulted in the same error.  I really want to get this working as it looks amazing but I'm not sure what to try at this point.  Any ideas?  Thanks.


Do you have a jD menu item type List All Categories?
This is needed by jD to create links.  It can be in a hidden menu but first try with it being visible to check if that solves problem.  Please ensure you clear your Browsers cache and any Joomla! cache. 

Another possibility if the above does not work could you please see if disabling Joomla! caching has any effect.  If that does solve problem then please also check the jD System Plugin and see that Caching Rules have the content option=com_jdownloads

Colin M


Do you have a jD menu item type List All Categories?

This is needed by jD to create links."  Yes.  I have one of every menu type allowed by jdownloads on my menu.  I tried them all just in case there were dependencies. To double check I deleted all the items I made, cleared the cache and then recreated the menu items.

"Please ensure you clear your Browsers cache and any Joomla! cache.

Another possibility if the above does not work could you please see if disabling Joomla! caching has any effect.  If that does solve problem then please also check the jD System Plugin and see that Caching Rules have the content option=com_jdownloads

Colin".  After I cleared the cache and recreated the items I went in to check my cached settings and I have joomla set to not cache in the joomla global settings.  After trying everything again I'm still only able to upload files.  I can't view them.  Is there anything else I can try?  Thank you for taking the time to help.


This now looks like a permission or view access challenge.  Have you used Deny permission anywhere?  This causes a lot of unexpected side effects. There are several articles on permissions in the documentation.  Maybe you did not set any permissions during the jD Install process  If that is true then go to jD Tools and use the two permissions reset tools.  Then go to the Options Tab on toolbar of jD Control panel.  Set the Public user group  Download permission to Allow and Save.  This will allow everyone to download anything.  If you want a more controlled access set the Public UG to Inherit (NOT Deny) and Set Registered UG to Allowed and Saved.  There are several schemers in the documentation for a more sophisticated approach but first we need to establish any Download capability!!

If you are on a publicly available server then if you PM me (click on white 'square' near my name) with super user log on details I will gladly take a look to see what might be the problem.

You could also try

Colin M


By the way, make sure that you use always the newest jD version. I can not find any infos here about this.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Arno.  I am currently running 3.2.42 and joomla 3.51.  I saw the update today and did it.  Before that I was running 3.2.41.  That is the first one I installed.  I did the installation by downloading the file from your site instead of doing the install from web option.  ColinM I have adjusted the ACL settings and did all the steps you mentioned.  I even tried completely opening up permissions on the public and registered users so that I'm allowing both groups to do all possible options.  Those things didn't work.  I even cleared out all my browser cache and joomla cached items just to be sure.  Also tried creating a new menu item just in case it was an issue with the slide menu I'm using.  Putting things in debug mode though brought up something interesting.  The program seems to error out at line 410 in jdownloadshelper.php in the helpers folder.   According to that line it's just trying to run if (!$db->execute()) {.  It doesn't actually reach past that line to hit the return false statement inside the brackets.  Basically at line 410 it kicks out to that page can't be found error.  Does that help narrow things down any?  Thanks


you could send us login data for your backend - via PM (for Colin and me). Then we can self check it at this weekend.

When this is not possible (above):
QuoteThe program seems to error out at line 410 in jdownloadshelper.php in the helpers folder.
Please check whether you have activated a (valid) layout for every layout type.

QuoteBasically at line 410 it kicks out to that page can't be found error.
Please send me the complete error message as PM.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


The error is as follows:

The requested page can't be found.
An error has occurred while processing your request.

You may not be able to visit this page because of:

    an out-of-date bookmark/favourite
    a mistyped address
    a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
    you have no access to this page


You may wish to search the site or visit the home page.
Search ...

Home Page
If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site and report the error below.
#0 SQL: 00000, ,


This is on a development network and is not currently external facing.  If you would like to take a look I can set up a screen share using citrix goto assist so that you can take a look.  Let me know what works for you there.

As to activating a valid layout I'm believing that you mean that I need to create a menu item for each jdownloads type.  I can confirm that has been done multiple times.  I also went through and activated all jdownloads modules and plugins just to make sure I wasn't missing anything.

Let me know if you need any more information.


Sorry for the delay. I had not seen your answer.  :-\

QuoteI'm believing that you mean that I need to create a menu item for each jdownloads type.
No, this is not required.

When the problem still exists:
- go to the jDownloads control panel
- click on layouts
- click then step by step on every layout type and check that for every type is activated a layout
- when not select one and activate it (see pic)

Try it then again.

It can also be that in your case DB tables not exist. See pic with the jD tables via phpmyadmin.

Have you get after the jD installation the normal result?
No error messages?

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Not a problem Arno.  I'm glad you are willing to help us hopefully resolve the issue.  I did what you said with the layouts.  I went through and made sure they all had an active layout type.  They all did so I tried changing the defaults to 3.2 standard.  After this I purged cached data and tried again.  Same issue.  I checked the database tables and they all appear as you have shown in your image.


QuoteWhen none of that worked I uninstalled jdownloads, removed all db entries, removed all folders jdownloads created in the joomla directories, and reinstalled.
Have you get after the jD installation the normal result?
No installation error messages?

Helpful could also be to activate again the Joomla debug option and make a screenshot from the sql error in jdownloadshelper.php. Then he should be listed some informations more.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Hello Arno.  I had already tried a full reinstall.  I deleted all component, module, and plugin folders as well as I removed the database entries for jdownloads.  On reinstall the issue was not fixed. During reinstallation no errors were presented.  The text showed everything installed correctly. 

I believe that I have corrected this issue though and it comes back to that line of code I had mentioned before.  Line 410 in the jdownloadshelper.php file in the component folder.  I had mentioned earlier that it was failing at that line and didn't even hit the return false piece.  The full code for lines 410 through 413 are:

if (!$db->execute()) {
            //JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_DB_ERROR'), 'error');
            return false;

I'm assuming this was used for debugging.  All I did was comment that section of code out.  Everything now appears to be working.

Thanks for your help.


QuoteI'm assuming this was used for debugging.  All I did was comment that section of code out.  Everything now appears to be working.
Hm... you seem to have right. This part makes not really sense. I have removed it in next release (but strange that nobody else had early a problem with it).

Many thanks.  ;)
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!