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On Updrade to 3.2 Old links are broken

Started by isabeaux, 08.03.2015 08:03:54

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I have a ton of old links to downloads spread all over my forums and articles.
I upgraded to jD3.2

In the upgrade instructions on this page
on #6 it says:"Now there is currently one area where presently the conversion cannot be totally automated. This is related to where you have made links, typically by using a 'download button', to specific Downloads in articles or similar. These links use the id of the download.  Because downloads are almost certainly 'indexed' in a different sequence when they are re-created during the upgade then they will almost certainly have a different id in the new series to the one in the old series.  Sometimes you may not readily recall the name of the download that is associated with a specific id. This relationship between the download title and the old id are in the saved backup taken at step 2 above, specifically in table '<prefix>_jdownloads_files'. This is not the simplest file to examine but it can be made slightly simpler by copying the file and changits extension to csv and thgen importing to Excel or Calc.  If you have a large number of files the exporting just the table '<prefix>_jdownloads_files' using phpMyadmin in cPanel or its equivalent.  Of course if there are only a modest number of downloads then making image copies (screen shots) of the downloads in the Backend is a practical approach."

However, in my upgrade the IDs remained unchaged, but the links don't work. I found 2 reasons for that:
The link was constructed{module title}/finish/{cat id}-{cat name}/{file id}-{file title lowercase stripped from spaces and special characters}
While now its constructed{module title}/send/{cat id}-{cat name}/{file id}-{file alias}

Is there a way I can change that back? Changing all the links I have will be quite the job.

Thank you,


The note in the documentation was in reference to people using the Content plugin such as the fragment below used on my test site.  These use the relevant IDs and the output looks like the attached pic.  Note the layout is one I modified so it just uses one line for the Download.
Arno has added some work to keep the IDs as previous.
{jd_file onlinelayout==Standard Files Layout v2.5 (single row)}
{jd_file file==86}
Now a Category with some downloads
{jd_file category==18 count==5}
and a category with no downloads
{jd_file category==19 count==5}
Some text here between downloads
{jd_file file==28}

I suspect you used explicit links to the Downloads.  This is a challenge as the structure of such links is Joomla! dependent, which these days is usually based on the alias but may vary depending on SEO used.
I will ask Arno if he has any thoughts of how to help you.
PS if you do have to do it the hard way then maybe using the content plugin would be better.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M

