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Upload Directory with Base Pase

Started by masterjo752, 25.11.2015 20:46:48

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Is it possible, that the upload-directory could be relative to joomla-installation path?

We've got a lot of sites where we need to get relative pathes. I would suggest a placeholder like "__basedir__". It could be in the helpers/jdownloadshelper.php between line 1753 and 1754: $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] = str_replace("__basedir__", JPATH_SITE, $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir']);


So i just checked and found a mistake.
You should pass the original value to and other config-variable like this: $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir.placeholder']  = $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir']; Then you can get this value in the configuration view for editing. Adding this 3 lines to the files would be very usefull for us.