
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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exclude category?

Started by julia_l, 04.12.2015 10:08:28

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Hi, I have a big problem..
my site has two sections one (public) "news" and one (registered) "restricted area" with sub-categories.

The problem is that
in  the restricted area I need the normal listing - not files listed by folders (subcategories) but by more recent upload - all downloads excerpt  the public "news" files.
That seems not possible ..  please let me know how to exclude this category from normal listing.. its quite urgent :'(


The technique is to use the Access level Guest on the category  so that only the Public, that is non registered users, are to see it. But you will need to go to the Joomla! Users - Access tab and select Guest.  The default Guest Access Level set up has both Guest and Public 'ticked'.  Untick Publiic, save & close.  So if you now have your "News" category set with an Access of Guest then only non-logged in users can see it (except of course super users).  See pics attached

PS check that your registered users are not members of the Guest user group just in case some one ticked all the boxes.  The normal is that Registered users are members of the Registered and Public UGs.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M


Hi, thanks for your reply.. that's fine by backend for registered users as they now can see only categories
set on registered... the problem is that the category menu item for guests "news" does'nt display at all  :o ...
everything seems right-
the steps are:

- go to users > groups and the group called 'Guest' has 'Public' as the parent.
- go to users > access levels > 'Guest' and select  only 'Guest' to have viewing access.
- go to users > user manager > options and set 'Guest User Group' to 'Guest'
- create a menu item and a downloads category set to guest...
please let me know



You do not need to set to guest , set menu to public access
Quote- create a menu item and a downloads category set to guest...

The objective of setting Guest view access to a particular Category is to prevent Registered ( and above) from seeing that Category.
So in your case the News Category has a view access of Guest.

Now just to test that make, if you have not already done so, a List All Categories type menu with Public Access.  When not logged in on front end then publicly viewable categories will be seen, including News.  But if you are logged in the the News Category will not be visible.

If you want a menu item that links to the News Category then create a jD Single Category menu item, specify the category as News, and set view Access to Guest.

Maybe I am not understanding your setup well enough.  Perhaps your Category organisation is not what I think it is!  I have assumed that all categories that will be  available to everyone, including to registered users, have a top level category called say Public.  And that all Categories that are only accessible by registered users are in a top level category called say Logged On.  That is your News category is a sub category of Public.

Maybe you could PM me dtails of site and admin so I can better understand


Colin M


Hi Colin, thanks for your prompt reply..
this morning I can see the menu item, it was just a cookie.
I think I will keep the menu item "news" set on "guest" as otherwise when I'm logged in as registered I see a 404 error page clicking there.

Now the problem is that I have to set an "uploader " access, he has  author, registered, guest permissions... as he has guest permissions as well (he can upload also news) the restricted area would be again a messy with all categories together.. I tried to create another menu item "redazione" set to specials with all downloads categories divided in folders and another menu item for upload set to special as well.
The only problem is that for some reasons also registered users can see those menus..  I would rather don't let them see the uploader menus at all. Is that possible? I'm going to send you admin details,



Thanks for admin details  - have started to look.
Also have a better idea of what you are seeking to do.  The uploader User Group (UG),  from front end, will obviously need Guest view access to see what is there.  So then you basically have as I see it three types of UG:

1. Public UG who can see News cat and any other Public cat.  They need to download what they are able to see.
2. Registered UG who can see Public and Registered Cats but not the News cat.  The also need to be able download what they can see.
3. Uploader users who can see all cats, and can download all cats, and can upload to all cats.

You may be thinking of various modifications to what I have assumed.  For example maybe you need two 'uploader' UGs, one for News and one for other types.
Maybe you would like some members of the Public to be able to see that a Download exists with description etc but not able to download.  All these variants are possible.

For the time being I will assume until you advise otherwise that it is like the three types as above.

EDIT:  Just seen you have modified Special Access level to include Registered, which is fine. - I was just about to go whoops when I saw the 'restricted' downloads  access were all Special!!  If you have someone in the Manager UG whom you wish to see the restricted downloads then you should change the access to Special on the 'restricted' cat as well.
Colin M


that's perfect Colin!!!  : ;D ;D now permissions are exactly as are  supposed to be!
Thanx so much!!! :-*