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Modules affected by List All Cats menu item Access

Started by ColinM, 21.12.2015 20:47:23

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If there is a List All Categories menu item that has view Access set to Registered, actually anything except Public, then  modules Latest, Top and Most Recently Downloaded show as normal but on trying to Download a forced redirect to the login page occurs. 

This situation can occur when the site does not want Public to be able to List All Categories but does want a Registered user to be able to list all categories.  The Tree module works fine and does not force a redirect.. (I only tested the above modules).

Colin M


Sorry but i understand not exactly.

You mean:
- the menu item has access = registered
- the modules has access = public?

Maybe can help pictures?
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


QuoteYou mean:
- the menu item has access = registered
Quote- the modules has access = public?

See pics attached.  The Module has Public Access.  The Download Category 'Public Downloads' has Public Access and has permission for Public to download.  All access and permissions cascade.

It is as if when one clicks on the Download title in the module it takes the access permission from the menu item rather than from the module or the Download.

Edit I meant to post in 3.2 bugs!! so have now moved

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M


Hi Colin,
you use different access settings - so you will get this results.
This is not a bug but the normal result in this case (when menu item has 'registered' access).
By the way, this combination is nearly useless.

Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


I do think it is a bug.  The user can see the module and the downloads. They are all Public Access and visible. Why should it depend on the Access level of a menu item that the user is not using and has not clicked on?  Surely the only reason for looking at the menu item is purely internal in jD and is to get the 'link' details. Why should that affect the way the module responds?  As far as a user is concerned why should a particular menu item affect the behaviour of the module?  Note this does not affect the Tree Module.

The scenario where this occurs is that all the Publically available downloads are in a single category.  Registered users have Access to several top level categories and so only Registered users have Access to the List All Categories menu item.  The user concerned does not want to have a list all categories menu item for the public but does want one for the Registered users.  The user wants the Public to be able to see the Latest Downloads available to them.

An apparent solution is to have two List All Cats menu items, one that has public access but not published and the other which has registered access and is published.  However the success of that strategy depend on the order the menus were created.

I have had two such sites where this challenge has occurred, one is an international  German construction/project company and the other is a site dealing with all the sea ports in Italy.

Could you please re-look

Colin M


Hi Colin,
Why should it depend on the Access level of a menu item that the user is not using and has not clicked on?
That is a Joomla thing. When you will use content which is connected to a menu item with another user level, you will get always the login page. Test it with an article category and content and a similar menu item. 
The scenario where this occurs is that all the Publically available downloads are in a single category.  Registered users have Access to several top level categories and so only Registered users have Access to the List All Categories menu item.  The user concerned does not want to have a list all categories menu item for the public but does want one for the Registered users.  The user wants the Public to be able to see the Latest Downloads available to them.

But i understand not exactly the problem. A user can always only see the content where he has access. Maybe can you create a small example for this in our test area? So it is easier for me to understand.  ::)

Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Colin M