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Problem with Latest Module

Started by pheinrichs, 16.11.2015 01:10:48

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I am having a problem with the Latest module. The module displays the correct downloads information but clicking on the link does not take me to the download page.  It just takes me to the site home page.  Upon further inspection it appears that every link has ?Itemid=2611 tacked onto the end.  Not sure where this came from or how to get rid of it.  Have tried creating a brand new module but the same thing is happening.  Going to the downloads through the component (via menu link) works just fine.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance


Do you have a login type module that takes users to a login page automatically?
Colin M


I do have a login module on the same page (community builder) that will take them to a specific  page once logged in.  However, the latest downloads module is calling on public category. I get the same problem whether I'm logged in or not.


Just got back for a long weekend.
What you are observing is strange. ::)   Could you perhaps send a Private Message with logon details for admin access so we could look in detail.  I would like to compare the setup in my test site.

And have you tried other jD modules?  For example the jD Top module is very similar to Latest so it could be useful to see if that also has a problem.  Please also try the Tree module as that is quite different.

Colin M


Sent a PM with the details.  I mentioned that the Most Recently module is working but I guess I didn't actually look at it.  It's actually doing the same thing as the Latest Module.


Yes I had already spotted that!  Most puzzling.
Colin M


Problem hopefully solved! :)
Seems directories:
_uncategorised_files  _preview_files  _private_user_area and  _tempzipfiles
were unwritable, so I sorted that out for you

Using your two blue edged buttons on right hand side of home page I downloaded:
Sermon November 22, 2015    Size: 8.36 MBBulletin_nov22_2015    Size: 907.99 KB

Please confirm OK as I have only done limited testing

PS if you have trouble with the preview files it is because dir  _preview_files was missing, may need to reload the audio previews but have not checke.

Colin M


Hi Colin,
I have the same problem.. as the latest module "LAST NEWS" IN HOMEPAGE with guest access doesn't let download pdf files.

You have already my details in PV, I would be grateful if you  could let me know asap - as I need to quickly show the site to my customer - thanks  a lot


I have tried several things, on on several occasions, to see why clicking on a Download in the Latest Module should activate a call to a login page.  I am not convinced it is a jDownloads fault as I have not been able to reproduce on my test site, but I could be wrong.

I have tried Publishing a copy of the Latest Module in a regular template position rather than using a loadposition in an article which is where the problem was first found. But this gave same effect.

Also tried loadposition in an article using menu item type single article rather than external Link type.  Again it made no difference.

I have made a menu item Show all Categories with Guest access and that was OK, but it is not calling a module.  Similarly I have made a menu item for Show all Downloads and this is also good.

As an interim I would suggest you have the list all downloads menu item as it set in config to list by the latest date so that all the newest ones are on the first page.

I nave not identified the module or plugin that is causing the link to login.  Do you know which on it is?

Also had a delay as my PC lost internet after Win 10 upgrade!!
Colin M