
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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Permission Problem

Started by JFS, 22.02.2016 01:07:19

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I'm using jdownloads the first time for a project and I'm stuck here at a permission problem. Maybe somebody can help. My permission groups look like this

-download subscribers
|_ product A
|_ product B

So I have a group that is named 'download subscribers' and 2 sub groups for 2 products. I'd like to give the download permission for A to all members of A and the same with B. Unfortunately the only possible selection for the access permissions is 'download subscribers'

Am I doing something wrong here?

Thanks in advance for any answer



As your Downloaders User Group is the parent of both A and B UGs then anhy member of UG A is also a member of Downloaders. Simarly for UG B..
I presume you have two two top level jD Categories, one called say Products A and the other called Products B.There may of course be several sub categories to each of these, and associated Downloads.

The first thing to do is to ensure that all the Component pemissions, accessed via Options button on jD control panel, are set to Inherit, for Downloads for all 3 UGs. Also never use Deny anywhere.

Next to estabish a known state - I assume you have been setting various permissions  - use the Category and Downloads Tools to reset all Download permissions to Inherited. At this stage no one, except the Super user, will be able to Download anything.

Now goto Product A category and set the Download permission for UG A to Allow. Similarly for Product B cat set permission for UG B to Allow.  Do not set anything to Deny.
UG A should now be allowed to Download from Products A and its subcats but not from Products B. Members of UG B will also have Downloads only from Products B.

You may also need to set the view Access appropriately. If anyone is to see the existence of all Downloads then leave the View Access as Public. If only Registered users are to see then set the two top level cats to Registerd. BY
y creating View Access levels you can readily arrange the for example only members of UG A can see Products A.

This is not a jD problem but just the way that Joomla! Permissions work.

If your Category structure is different then please advise. It is also possible that some Downloads  could be Downloadable by both UGs.

If you are still having a challenge then PM me super user permissions and I will sort out for you.


Also you may need

Colin M



thanks for your quick and detailed reply. I got it working now (indeed I just had one slight mistake in my configuration) :-)



Pleased to hear you got it sorted.  The Jooml;a! permissions system is good but can be challenging!!
Colin M