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The jDownloads Content Plugin does not work - [Fixed in 3.2.42]

Started by romagromov, 14.02.2016 13:22:16

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I have enabled jDownloads Content Plugin in Plugins Manager

I have enabled plugin in Jdownloads settings

I have activate Joomla plugins setting in Jodowloads configuration


But it does not work...

What am I doing wrong?
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Do you have a Category with id of 15?  If Yes does it have any Downloads?
In the category does no exist or it has no download then nothing will show.

Colin M


Yes, I have files in category.
But I think that plugin does not work. It should be empty or displays files - but it displays plugin placeholder...
What else I can check?
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Hi Romagromov,
I have just double checked the jD Content plugin and it works fine for me.
Are you using it in an Article or in a jD Download Description?
I replicated your setup exactly.

Colin M


Thank for for the answer Collin.

I checked plugin in K2 Component and yes - it works.

When I use this placeholder

{jd_file file==506} - works fine

{jd_file latest==5} - works fine

{jd_file cat_hotest==3,4,7,8 count==5} - empty space

{jd_file cat_latest==3,4,7,8 count==5} - works fine

{jd_file cat_updated==3,4,7,8 count==5} - empty space

I need to display exactly {jd_file cat_hotest==3,4,7,8 count==5}

Second question.

I need to use this placeholder in Category Layout or in Category template.

How I can make this layout to be proccesed?

My idea is to display hottest download right in subcateories.

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I will check out the Hotest version.
Think this might be confused with the Top or Hottest!!
Also please test the Top module. An alternative might be using the NoNumber 'Modules Anywhere' with the Top module.

Colin M


Quote from: ColinM on 15.02.2016 11:26:39
I will check out the Hotest version.
Think this might be confused with the Top or Hottest!!
Also please test the Top module. An alternative might be using the NoNumber 'Modules Anywhere' with the Top module.

Yes, Top module can be used for this. But This Module does not have option "Follow Category".
So, I need create ±95 Top Modules.

In this situation, correctly to use a plugin right in Category Template file with this code:

{jd_file cat_hottest=='.$this->category->id.' count==5}

It is simple and effective :)

But first, we need to get working options - cat_hottest and cat_updated.
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I need to know if the Top module works on your site - I am not suggesting you use it but to verify the Content plugin I need to know that Top module works as they use similar code.  Top module is AOK on my test site.

EDIT  I have checked and it should be hottest NOT hotest.  Have corrected documentation and expect plugin internal doc to be fixed in next release.
Colin M


Quote from: ColinM on 15.02.2016 15:02:29
I need to know if the Top module works on your site - I am not suggesting you use it but to verify the Content plugin I need to know that Top module works as they use similar code.  Top module is AOK on my test site.


Top Module works fine.


Sorry, now  {jd_file cat_hotest==12,13,3 count==5} works fine too... Magic  :o


PS May be it will be useful for other users:

You can insert plugin right in template  /components/com_jdownloads/category/default.php

or copy this file to


Use this variable to insert plugin in subcategories:

$topdownloads = '{jd_file cat_hottest=='.$this->children[$parentCatid][$i]->id.' count==8}';[code]

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QuoteEDIT  I have checked and it should be hottest NOT hotest.  Have corrected documentation and expect plugin internal doc to be fixed in next release.
Is fixed in 3.2.42.
Best Regards / Gruß
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