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Cron job to scan download folder

Started by DylanStr, 21.04.2016 14:22:08

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Hello all

I have everything running well but there is one problem, i cant get a cron job to work for scanning my downloads folder.

I have a website with 2 download catagories. Each catagory has +/- 10.000 pdf files in it.

I have set auto monitoring to off, because i was told that was better with this amount of downloads. Every night a folder on another server where the pdf's are placed, is synchronized with my jdownloads folder. So that goes fully automatic. Now i want to set a cron job to scan my jdownloads to be able to automaticly publish the downloads, also at night ( like 2 hours later than the folder sync ) I have tried to do it with XTCronjob, but it gives an error. Is there a good way to do this? There must be someone here that has the same situation as me i guess.

I hope someone can help :)



First you can set the Downloads to be automatically published. It is in Monitoring Tab in Automatically publish Downloads? field. So that will help with any more Downloads.

I am not too familiar myself with Cron jobs . You could select a large number of Downloads in the Backend and Publish there.  Or if you are familar with SQL you could do it directly in phpMyAdmin.

Colin M


Yes the option to automaticly publish is already active. But now i still need to scan for new files manually in the backend. I red somehwere that i need a cron job for the scan.php file. But i am completely new to linux, joomla, php etc. so i dont know how to do it yet. But this is the only problem i have left. I am ready to go live with my website but i need everything related to adding downloads go fully automatic. I didnt manage to do it this way:

Maybe someone can do an update to see if this still works? Maybe i am doing something wrong  :P



If you are using  JPrc Cron please note it is not a 'true' cron job that is initiated by the web server.  It relies on users visiting your site which is not normally happening if you do not  have a publicly available site.  Suppose you have set up  JPrc Cron to run at 4:00am then it will run when the first visitor after 4:00 goes to your site.

Colin M


Hmm... Ok. I didn't know that. So what I need is a real cron job to run on the time I set it to. There must be a way to do it.


I expect to have a new document on cron jobs tomorrow.
Does your host site have cPanel? And if yes are you familiar with it?

EDIT see
Colin M


Thanks for your message Colin.

I managed to do a succesful Cron job with XTCronjob wednesday.

So I think it works ok now :)

I don't have cPanel as far as I know. The article is written very well, thanks for that :)
