
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
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How to play mp3 files

Started by jsuis, 25.07.2016 14:28:49

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Joomla! 3.6.0
jD 3.2.45
Host 1&1


I done some changes to download mp3 files. This works correctly. But yet the player is displaied but disabled. The preview file is correctly uploaded. Where and what is to do.


What changes have you made?
Could you check to see that your host 1&1 supports and allows the html5  <video> tag.  The video is typically shown via an html statement such as
<video style="width: 100%;" controls=""><source src="/jdownloads/_preview_files/Attack on Titan20151023_193027.x264.aac.mp4" type="video/mp4">Your browser does not support HTML5 video or audio.</video>

jD supports video preview files by either html5 <video> or by using Flowplayer in the Mediaplayer tab in Config  The flowplayer option require the hosting site to have the flowplayer software installed on the server.  The way forward is the html5 method.

Colin M


Before my changes it has played by 1&1, so i think the problem is due to my changes.
The changes i done are:
(note that settings are translated from french version and can be different from original english version)
By users:
- I added mp3,mp4 to the autorized files list.
- I checked Publish new downloads.
In main settings:
- I change the main path and moved all downloads files to the new path and I check that these files are available to download.
- I set to no See informations upon MP3 files (ID3 tags)


I understand that you moved the jD root directory
To double check do you have Config -  Media tab field 'Use HTML5 Elements' set to Yes and field 'Activate FlowPlayer?' set to No  ? Please confirm.

When an MP4 or other valid video file is uploaded that does not make the video file 'playable'. It is just the file that is downloadable  It is the video file specified in the 'Select Preview' field in the Files tab of the Create/Edit form that is playable in the Front End in jDownloads.  The Preview file is uploaded when you Save or Save & Close the Create/Edit form.

Also to be sure could you check that the preview file is in the same root - see Config - Downloads tab for where jD will be expecting to find any Preview.

In User Groups Settings - Group Creation/Editing Settings tab - Allowed Preview File Types field you can specify which file types the user may set as preview files.

You can also set in Config - Downloads tab - 'Which file types are to be opened in the Browser?' field to allow a downloadable file to be opened in the users browser rather than just downloaded.  This would then allow users to play the main file if their browser supports it.

PS it might be helpful if you send me by PM, not in forum, Super User login details
Colin M


Quote from: ColinM on 26.07.2016 11:22:10
I understand that you moved the jD root directory.
That's right.
Quote from: ColinM on 26.07.2016 11:22:10
To double check do you have Config -  Media tab field 'Use HTML5 Elements' set to Yes and field 'Activate FlowPlayer?' set to No  ? Please confirm.
That's right.
Quote from: ColinM on 26.07.2016 11:22:10
When an MP4 or other valid video file is uploaded that does not make the video file 'playable'. It is just the file that is downloadable  It is the video file specified in the 'Select Preview' field in the Files tab of the Create/Edit form that is playable in the Front End in jDownloads.  The Preview file is uploaded when you Save or Save & Close the Create/Edit form.

Also to be sure could you check that the preview file is in the same root - see Config - Downloads tab for where jD will be expecting to find any Preview.
The main storage path for downloads is /MyRoot/files/uploads
The preview path is /MyRoot/files/uploads/_preview_files
Twice pathes checked in Config - Downloads tab as well as with FileZilla and the preview file MyFile.mp3 is in this path.
Quote from: ColinM on 26.07.2016 11:22:10
In User Groups Settings - Group Creation/Editing Settings tab - Allowed Preview File Types field you can specify which file types the user may set as preview files.
Setted to mp3,mp4
Quote from: ColinM on 26.07.2016 11:22:10
You can also set in Config - Downloads tab - 'Which file types are to be opened in the Browser?' field to allow a downloadable file to be opened in the users browser rather than just downloaded.  This would then allow users to play the main file if their browser supports it.
Setted to html,htm,txt,pdf,doc,jpg,jpeg,png,gif
Are here mp3 and mp4 to add?
If i add them it also doesn't play.


My last line is false. Now it plays but i can't download the file. I want to have both play and download depending of click place.



Progress!  Was the playing in the browser or in jD window?  Can you download say a simple pdf file? The download mechanism is the same.
I really would like to look at your site as there are many possibilities.  You can send me a Private Message by clicking on the 'squarish' box just below my name.

Colin M


Colin M