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Limit on file size for download?

Started by Corvette, 24.02.2020 01:04:24

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I'm receiving an error "502 Bad Gateway" when attempting to download any MP3 file over 150MB - is there a way to fix it or is there a process I'm missing?  Example:


How long exist this problem? Maybe should you contact your hoster. It could be a server problem.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


This error didn't exist in 3.2, only 3.9.

Allowed file uploads:    Yes
Maximum allowed file size (max_filesize):    500M
Maximum allowed POST size: (post_max_size):    600M
Memory limit (memory_limit):    128M
Maximum input time for uploads (max_input_time) in seconds:    60
Maximum execution time of scripts (max_execution_time) in seconds:    120


Just trying to eliminate/understand :) Could you advise what version of PHP you are running please.Also which version of jD 3.9In Options - Global Settings   what is the setting of "Send Downloads using the PHP Script"
Also in Options Monitoring could you set 'Use Test Run First' to Yes,  'Monitor all File Types' to No and ensure you have the correct extensions in 'Monitor only the following File Types' Then do a Test Run from the Control Panel - objective is to check the databse settings - I do not exect any challenge with this but just checking
What are you settings in Media Player Options?
Have you allowed previewing of audio files?

Colin M


Colin has right we need much more informations.

Do you use any download limitation in jD User Groups Settings? As example a lower bandwidth?
It seems me that the download process is very slow.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


PHP 7.3, no limits on any user group.

Not using "send over php script" now, but, will not download *.mp3, plays the file in the browser window.  sending over php script works for files under 150MB - is there a way to increase that script to support larger files?


Yes that way the browser is in charge so one can use the download possibilities in the browser.There is no limit imposed by 'send over php script' unless there is a site limit of some sort. Will look further
Colin M