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Question about template for loading output

Started by Andrew Harazdovskiy, 28.05.2021 16:43:32

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Andrew Harazdovskiy

Hello dear developers.
I'm starting to work with Joomla.
Thank you very much for the JDownloads product. Your documentation is great.
Can you please tell me - is this my mistake in the settings or an error in the code?

There is no way I can remove the sign on the output template.
It is marked with a red rectangle in the attached file.

Thanks for your reply.
Can I donate to your project?


I cannot reproduce your problem - which is a nuisance.I have noticed a couple of minor errors as the height and width of the minipics is not set quite right.  The only way I could get an extra  character was to introduce it into the layout.
What Idid notice is that the small square box with an arrow is displaced as it should be on the same line - it indicates that the items are a link.  The Cyrillic alaphabet is the normal left to right so not come from the RTL cssPresume you are using the Standard Files Layout 3.9 Is that correct?

Have you possibly editted the layout
ColinPS you can contribute - I willl send you a note it is to do with removing the 'powered by'
Colin M

Andrew Harazdovskiy

Thank you for considering my question.
Yes, I did edit the template. I tried to find a place where the "; "
The question is, if I use the standard output pattern, the problem (";" sign) does not disappear.
Attached a screenshot of the screen - loading output using two different Layout.

I am making a custom module with code
My Personal Layout
{jd_file onlinelayout==My Personal Layout}
{jd_file file==3}

Standard Files Layout
{jd_file onlinelayout==Standard Files Layout}
{jd_file file==3}

Andrew Harazdovskiy

 In my editable module (My Personal Layout) I commented out one line and got this result.
          <div class="jd_minipic_wrapper" style="">
                <div class="jd_files_minipic" style="">{license_text}</div>
<!--      <div class="jd_files_minipic" style="">{author_text}</div> -->
                 <div class="jd_files_minipic" style="">{author_url_text}</div>

The source of the error was found, but I still lack the knowledge to fix it.

Andrew Harazdovskiy

I continued my experiments.
I found two important details.
If the standard Layout output is done through the menu item, everything is displayed correctly.
I am attaching Image_001.

If standard Layout:
- insert via the Download button into the article
- insert as a module into your template - then we get Image_002.


Interesting!!I was about to ask you to check what you had put in the "Author Name" field
I have now reproduced the problem using the Download Button in an article.  The interesting bit is that if you also specify aa author web site then the semicolon is not part of the link.  So will look at the code in the Content Plugin

Not sure what you quite mean when "insert in a module in your Template"  Could you clarify/expand please
Best wishesColin
Colin M

Andrew Harazdovskiy

Hello Colin.
Download "Test 001" - "Author" parameters - attached Image A.png
When displaying this position, the program uses the Joomla username - attached Image_B.png
I will try your suggestions



I have corrected the code in the jD Content plugin.  Like many 'challenges' the cure is quicker than the diagnosis!!Will send you a PM - Private Message- with correction for you
The fix will appear in jD 3.9.8
Colin M

Andrew Harazdovskiy

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your work. My e-book project needs exactly this kind of development.
Two questions:
1. Where can donations be made?
2. Is it possible to purchase a key as a support for the project?


You can contact Arno at a donation.  Some people make a donation via PayPal
Colin M

Andrew Harazdovskiy
