
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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Search Downloads Limited to 100 Results?

Started by mhoney, 09.01.2025 22:38:23

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I am trying to figure out where the limit is defined in the code for the "Search Downloads" feature.  When I search on a keyword that should return much more than 100 results, I only get back exactly 100 results.  Any suggestions?



Presume you are on the Downloads page.  This has a limit set for the number of Downloads to show pper page at the righthand side near the top of the page. When you search it will show that number of Downon loads per page.
At the foot of the page there is a 'page number list'

Hope this helps
Colin M


I still only get 100 results.  The search on "GEOS" should return 298 results and the search on "128" should return 1039 items.  You can test this at

Here is what I get searching on "geos"



I did a search on as you suggested.  It gave a 100 results for both searchs terms.
Seems to me that the "challenge" is with the Commooore software.
In jDownloads are you using Downloads with an External File Link?
Colin M


Could you be a little more specific in what you mean by challenge, do you mean the script timing out?  Isn't it odd that it stops exactly at 100 items?  Are you sure this isn't a parameter that can be configured somewhere I haven't looked?  I'm willing to create an override and modify code if I knew where that code was stored.

All my files are stored locally on an NVME drive.



 1.  When I went to the search gave 100 items for either search GEOS or 128. 
   To me that means the fault of showing just 100 entries is on the commorde software.
2.   You said all your files are on an NVME drive. so I presume you have set the Download files to be on an external drive.  Is that the case?

   I will send you a Private Message (PM) these PMs are secure.
Colin M


PM Received and Replied to.

My server is a VM that is backed by NVME storage, so everything is on NVME.


After testing there does seem to be a limit of 100 entries when doing a jD front end search.
Will add to 'fix list' to extend to say 250 entries.
Colin M


Thank you for looking into this.  Would be nice if this was a configurable parameter, but if not it's not a big deal to edit in the code, just need to know which php file contains the magic number.


The search shown is the stanard Joomla search - not jDownloads. So there might be some Joomla setup that I do not know about but will look for!!!
Colin M


After some more searching, you are right Colin, the limit is imposed by Joomla and people have been complaining about it for years.  Why would Joomla impose such a limit?  What is more strange is that none of my searches has turned up a way to fix it.  There have been comments about changing the number of results per page, but that doesn't change the 100 result limit.  How short sited is this on Joomla's part!?!?  Seriously, any site that has been around for a decade or more will easily have more that 100 results on a keyword.

Please help us fix this!


The old style search is no longer in Joomla 5 - so I guess that it is now internal in jD. As yet I do not know where!!
Colin M


I found the code that maxes the search results to 100, it's on line 411 of the SearchModel.php in the components>com_jdownloads>src>model folder

$limit      = $this->state->get('search_limit', 100)


That is very good info. I have advised Arno and I am sure it will be updated in the next release - have asked that the search lin=mit is a parameter setting in say Frontend-Other Settings.
Colin M