
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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Migration error JDownloads version 3 to version 4

Started by jmgroud, 19.02.2025 11:31:50

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Despite my research and reading various documents, I still have a migration error JDownloads from version 3.98.6 to 4.0.46.
I uses:
- Joomla 5.2.4
- Php 8.2.27
- Mysql 8.0.36

When I install the new version of JDownload extension (, I encounter the following error:
Table: #__jdownloads_files contains incorrect number of data fields. This means that an update may not be error-free.
But what fields? What are the characteristics (parameters and positions of these fields)?

A second very strange message is displayed when I try to display the administration of JDownloads:
This version of jDownloads is not compatible with Joomla 4.x. Please install the update!

I'm with Jooomla 5.2.4! Why a message about the version 4.x?

I have read the pdf documentation indicated by Arno (Handling with incorrect jDownloads DB table structures):
- Table 'jdownloads_file's: The field 'Tags' does not exist
- Table 'jdownloads-template': The field 'Preview_id' is positioned at the end

What do I do?
Thank you in advance for your help.



Malgré mes recherches et lecture de documents divers, je reste sur une erreur de migration de JDownloads de la version 3.98.6 vers 4.0.46.
j'utilise :
- Joomla 5.2.4
- Php 8.2.27
- Mysql 8.0.36

When I install the new version of JDownload extension (, I encounter the following error:
Le tableau : #__jdownloads_files contient un nombre incorrect de champs de données. Cela signifie qu'une mise à jour ne peut probablement pas être effectuée sans erreur.
Mais quel(s) champs? What are the characteristics (parameters and positions of these fields)?

Un second message très bizarre est affiché lorsque j'essaie d'afficher l'administration de JDownloads :
Cette version de jDownloads n'est pas compatible avec Joomla 4.x. S'il vous plaît installer la mise à jour!

Je suis avec Jooomla 5.2.4 ! Pourquoi un message sur la version 4.x ?

J'ai lu la documentation pdf indiquée par Arno (Handling with incorrect jDownloads DB table structures) :
- Table 'jdownloads_file's : Le champ 'Tags' n'existe pas
- Table 'jdownloads-template' : Le champ 'Preview_id' est positionné à la fin

Que dois-je faire ?
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
Le peu que je sais est occulté par le trop que je ne sais pas.


It seems that you have an update error.  Were you using jD 3.9 series? 
When you updated Joomla to 5.2.4 do you recall which version of jDwnloads was installed?
I will send you a Private Message (PM).  These are secure.
To read these click on My Messahes, which is at the very top of the for next to your name
Colin M
    The following users thanked this post: jmgroud



Hello colinM

Thank you for your response.
I was using version 3.9 but I don't know the exact version. since version 4 does not install, I assume that the one currently exists is the one previously installed...

I have made several screenshots but unfortunately I can't attach files to my posts here on this forum:-(
Some examples are:
- JDownloads / Administration / Component :
- Content - jDownloads 3.9 / Site / Plugin:
There are many other extensions (modules and plugins) in different versions: 3.9.0, 3.9.3, 3.9.6,,


Bonjour colinM

Merci pour votre réponse.
J'utilisais une version 3.9 mais je ne connais pas exactement la version. etant donné que la version 4 ne s'installe pas, j'imagine que celle qui existe actuellement est celle précédemment installée...

J'ai effectué plusieurs copies d'écran mais malheureusement je ne peux pas joindre des fichiers à mes messages ici sur ce forum :-(
Voici donc quelques exemples :
- JDownloads / Administration / Component :
- Content - jDownloads 3.9 / Site / Plugin :
Il y a beaucoup d'autres extensions (modules et plugins) en différentes versions : 3.9.0, 3.9.3, 3.9.6,,
Le peu que je sais est occulté par le trop que je ne sais pas.


I will send you a Private Message (PM) these are safe. look near your name for messages
Colin M


Did you get my PM?
Also are you involved with sheet music?
Colin M