
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
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How to set default Access Level for front end uploads?

Started by carin, 03.08.2014 00:23:42

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I dont want to let the uploader choose the ACL, hence I hide the Access field in the upload form. Therefore I need to set a default Access to all uploads.

Joomla 3.2 | jD 3.2 | PHP 5.3 | Apache 2


Good idea.  I have been requesting that Access Levels propagate from parent category to child category, and from category to download.  Think this will be done.  Propagating Access Levels is more important than propagating Permissions.

See article about using access levels

Colin M


Any progress on setting a default value for the access level?
Joomla 3.2 | jD 3.2 | PHP 5.3 | Apache 2


There is a way to set all access levels to a particular type.

Also if a user does not change the Access field then the access level will be set to the level of the Parent Category.  I assume you have modified the code to prevent the Access field being shown.  If you revisit the code it should be possible to modify it to make the field unchangeable.  Then jDownloads should automatically set it.

If you let me know where you changed the code I will see what I can do (Arno is concentrating on bug fixing).


Colin M



The batch process does not solve the problem becasue I cannot do that every time a user uploads something which is every 5 minutes.

"access level will be set to the level of the Parent Category"
==> that does not help because these two need to be different in my site setup

I really need to be able to set a default Access to all uploads.
Joomla 3.2 | jD 3.2 | PHP 5.3 | Apache 2


QuoteI really need to be able to set a default Access to all uploads.
In this case should we add a new option.
Maybe can we add it for the moment as hidden option? It is current not a good moment to add again some text in the language files.
But we can easy add the required field in the database. So you could create the default value via phpmyadmin. Could you life with this a few weeks?  ;)

Falls du in den letzten Stunden auf die Version 3.2.24 upgedatet hast, bitte noch einmal neu downloaden und installieren. Mir war leider ein schwerwiegender Tippfehler unterlaufen.  :-\
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


QuoteSo you could create the default value via phpmyadmin
Yes. Would work for me.

Danke für den 3.2.24 Hinweis.
Joomla 3.2 | jD 3.2 | PHP 5.3 | Apache 2


Do you see this as just having a default access set in Config or set per user group?  Logic could be say something like below

If (Access Level Field in input form is NOT blank) then use
ElseIf ((Access field not blank in current highest ranking user group setting) AND (is valid access level)) then use
ElseIf ((Access field not blank in Config setting) AND (is valid access level)) then use
Else use Parent Access.

Could be accompanied by a switch which said to show/not show access field in create upload form.

Just a thought
Colin M


Quote from: ColinM on 24.01.2015 04:31:58
Do you see this as just having a default access set in Config or set per user group?  Logic could be say something like below

If (Access Level Field in input form is NOT blank) then use
ElseIf ((Access field not blank in current highest ranking user group setting) AND (is valid access level)) then use
ElseIf ((Access field not blank in Config setting) AND (is valid access level)) then use
Else use Parent Access.
Thanks for the input. You have right. To add here an extra option in the user groups settings seems to be the best solution.  ;)
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


QuoteBut we can easy add the required field in the database. So you could create the default value via phpmyadmin.
Is that implemented in 3.2.24? Which column would I need to set for the default value? thx
Joomla 3.2 | jD 3.2 | PHP 5.3 | Apache 2


Hi carin,
the new data field will be exist in jD 3.2.25 (comes very soon).

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Joomla 3.2 | jD 3.2 | PHP 5.3 | Apache 2


Hi carin,
i have seen now that it is always use the 'access' from the parent category for a new 'Download'.
So it is not really required to use a special 'default' setting. Only when a 'Download' has not a parent category is this useful. 
Use you 'uncategorized' files?
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


I will use it now in this way (and order):
When a new download is created in frontend:
1. is the 'access' value selectable in frontend form - he is used
2. is the 'access' value not selectable it is use the new default 'access' value
3. has the new download a parent category - the access from the parent category is used

Is this okay for you?
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


I interpret the above as
if ('access' value selectable in frontend form AND is not "empty") then use value given value
else if ('access' value not selectable in frontend form) then use the new default 'access' value
  else the 'access' from the parent category

That is the Access selection pulldown in the upload form is not pre loaded with an access level but has as its first entry say either '-Select Access Level-'  or perhaps better '-Use Parent Access Level-'  as the first option so my "empty" above really means "Not first Option".

The description could be "Will use the Parent Category View Access Level (recommended) or you can select another one from the pull down list. "Access Level"

Colin M