
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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Inconsistent space within images and content

Started by WEBSEO, 15.09.2014 22:15:37

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Hello! First, thank you for your work with JDownloads, great extension for sure!
We are using your component albeit, with some issues, here:

System Information:
PHP Built On   Linux
Database Version   5.5.39-36.0
Database Collation   utf8_general_ci
PHP Version   5.3.28
Web Server   Apache
WebServer to PHP Interface   cgi-fcgi
Joomla! Version   Joomla! 3.3.3 Stable
Joomla! Platform Version   
Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT

If you note, the space within images and content is inconsistent, and this, and many other instances. Our client wants us to fix this. I tried to find the correct stylesheet to do this, but I am still unable to find the right place where I should make this change. The goal is a consistent output of  horizontal and vertical space related to content and images. I checked the com_jdownloads/jdownloads_fe.css, but, I am still confused.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]


I have had a quick look at this and identified the final reason for the difference - please see attached pic InconsistentSpacing00.png
However I have not yet identified the source of the discrepancy.  It is due to the particular items having a cellpadding of 5px.  When this is eliminated one gets the picture as shown below.

Please advise which version of jDownloads you are using.  Also please note that I am presently away on business so response may be delayed

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M


Thank you very much for your help.
Sorry about the missing JDownloads version, I am using jDownloads 1.8.3 Stable 860.

Our client wants to see some distance between images and content (5px would work).
FYI: We have not made any changes to the component stylesheet, in any shape or form.
We have no idea why the space is different for some items and not for others.

Thank you for letting me know you are traveling.
Looking forward to your reply.


Version 1.8.3 Stable 860 is very, very old! It was for Joomla 1.5. ( ON A TEST SITE FIRST) I think you should update to first and then to 3.2.11 - you cannot go direct from 1.8.3 to 3.2.x.  Offivially there is no support for 1.8.x but here are some useful notes.  Actually I am amazed theb1.8 series works so well on Joomla 3.x - personally I have never used the 1.8 series.
First step is to go to 1.9.2 on Joomla 3.3.  The following article is about moving from 1.8.x to 1.9.1.x on Joomla 2.5 but it equally applies with obvious changes to Joomla 3.x  There is no article directly for Joomla 3.x as it is tooo long ago !!!

There is an article in the FAQ telling you how to update from 1.9.2.x to 3.2.x

When doing on live site BACKUP is essential!!

Hope this helps


Colin M


Wow! We recently migrated this site from 1.5 to 3.0+ but the migration was done by somebody else. I will follow your advise and will get back to you if
questions arise. Many many thanks for your time and looking into this.


It has been confirmed that the extension at work on the site is version Beta. The Version 1.8.3 Stable 860 version, that appeared in the control panel of jdownloads  on the new site, was a result of a mistaken transfer of Joomla 1.5 configuration parameters.  It has now been corrected.
Can you please check again on the reasons for this Inconsistent space within images and content?

Many thanks for your help!


I will try to re-create you problem on the jDownloads 3.2 series.  All effort is going into the jD2.5 and jD3.2 series so that would be a better solution as it is unlikely the jD1.9.2.x series will be updated except for security issues.  To be certain could you perhaps send me copies of the pics and text etc.
Colin M


Thank you very much for your help. I am attaching an image of the problem. You can also see a live example here:
This is the case on almost each Category.

Can you also advise on best way to upgrade to 3.2 series, do we require a process as the one we discussed from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 3.0?

Thank you again.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Yes the method to go to the jd3.2 series is to take the path as described for Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 3.0  The jD1.9.2 series runs on Joomla 3.x so that is the first step.
But always try out on test site and with backups.
Colin M


Thank you for your response,
what would you say then, is most probably the reason for the discrepancy and Inconsistent space within images and content?
(Taking the migration from 1.5 to 3.+)
Thank you.


we followed your advise and it work well. Thank you very much for your help. :D

We noticed, however, that after the upgrade, the Home Icon on the JDownloads page main header does not return to the JDownloads "Home Page", if you click on it coming from any category. (Please click any of the menu items under the "Resource Library" menu on the right hand side of the page and you'll see that you will be returned to the Category home page you were visiting, instead of the main JDownloads Default Home page. (Apologies for the "JDownloads" repetition, I need to make clear to which home page I am referring to). (See: )

I checked the JDownloads back administration and could not find where I could add the right link.
I also checked the link for the JDownloads menu item, titled "Resource Library", in the main menu); the link is set to the Default: "List All categories". It is only the little Home icon in the main header
that is not returning to showing all default categories, as set to do.

I posted the question here, because this only happened after the upgrade to the latest JDownloads version available: jDownloads for Joomla 3.x - 3.2.12 Beta, suggested in the response to this ticket.
Should I open a different ticket for this?


Firstly I must say how good you site looks.
Yes that is one of the minor bugs which I think is on the list to be fixed. But I will add the item just in case.

Colin M


Thank you very much for your kind comment!

Very, I will also make a note of this, as the client is certain to ask.  :)

Looking forward to the update.


Quote from: ColinM on 17.09.2014 00:21:30
I have had a quick look at this and identified the final reason for the difference - please see attached pic InconsistentSpacing00.png
However I have not yet identified the source of the discrepancy.  It is due to the particular items having a cellpadding of 5px.  When this is eliminated one gets the picture as shown below.

Please advise which version of jDownloads you are using.  Also please note that I am presently away on business so response may be delayed

back in September 2014 I needed help with some style issues,
my post title was:
"Inconsistent space within images and content".

We are having the problem back again, so I went back to the topic to get the solution you gave me, but I am unable to find the images you posted.
(Re: Inconsistent space within images and content
« Reply #1 on: 17.09.2014 00:21:30 »)

The problem is the same as it can be seen here:
"Re: Inconsistent space within images and content"
« Reply #7 on: 26.09.2014 18:48:30 »"

We are using a different server to develop the website now:
You can see the problem here as well:

We are running the latest Joomla and JDownloads versions.

We are also still awaiting response over this:
"We noticed, however, that after the upgrade, the Home Icon on the JDownloads page main header does not return to the JDownloads "Home Page", if you click on it coming from any category. (Please click any of the menu items under the "Resource Library" menu on the right hand side of the page and you'll see that you will be returned to the Category home page you were visiting, instead of the main JDownloads Default Home page."

Are there any new updates about this?

MANY thanks for all your help!


I have looked at your site.  There are 5 pictures and you have resized them nicely so they are all 150px wide.  As far as I can see the text is close, perhaps too close, to the righthand side of the pictures.  The text in the first two entries is slightly lower than that in the remaining three.  Is that what is troubling you? 

Please advise which Files layout you have activated.

For the Home button please start as a new topic as that helps me!!
Colin M