
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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Related downloads module.

Started by romagromov, 30.01.2015 22:42:29

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I have a dream - every download item have block (like in K2)

Other popular downloads in this category.


Related Downloads


What other users download with this item.

How it can be released?

For example, I use plugin "Modules Anywhere"

I insert code in Download Details Layout like:

{module TopDownloads-ID{cat_id}}

But in this case, I should create hundreds modules like


Each module must have setting to filter category

I sure, if I create so many modules - site will work very slowly.

So, is there way to send category id to module setting?
If yes, I can create only one module, that will display downloads only from current category:

Hope you understand my idea.  :)
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May be it possible to include new parameter "Displays downloads only from current category" in your modules.
It will be great.  :)
I'm ready to donate for this option. Don't hesitate to ask for this.
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i think this could be a useful idea.
But it is not a complete solution for you wishes.  ;D

So we should later create another solution for your idea.
But i will see what i can do for a temporary solution.  ;)
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Quote from: Arno on 04.02.2015 16:55:48
i think this could be a useful idea.
But it is not a complete solution for you wishes.  ;D

So we should later create another solution for your idea.
But i will see what i can do for a temporary solution.  ;)

Hi, Arno!
What about temporary solution?
Do you have ideas how to do this one?
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sorry that i had forget this topic.   :o

I think a module would not be the best solution. But maybe be possible with a jD plugin.  ::)
So we can use a special placeholder in the jD layouts and replaced this with the list.
But this is much work. When need you this?
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Quote from: Arno on 18.05.2015 14:36:49
sorry that i had forget this topic.   :o

I think a module would not be the best solution. But maybe be possible with a jD plugin.  ::)
So we can use a special placeholder in the jD layouts and replaced this with the list.
But this is much work. When need you this?

Hi! I need this yesterday  ;D
Of course, I will wait.
Thanks for the reply  :)
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Okay. maybe can you remind me next week?

We work in the moment on the next version. Which supported now complete the Joomla tags functionality.  ;)
Here we work on the last tests.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Quote from: Arno on 18.05.2015 14:53:50
Okay. maybe can you remind me next week?

We work in the moment on the next version. Which supported now complete the Joomla tags functionality.  ;)
Here we work on the last tests.

Hi Arno!

You are asked to remind you about this topic  :)
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sorry for the delay.
We works currently on the new "jDownloads tree" module and on the new jDownloads "last downloaded files" module.
This should be ready in the next days together with the next jD release 3.2.34.

As next we can try to create a new module or plugin to get an output as you had it described.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Hi Arno!
Is it possible to make it   :'(
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i think a module would not be the best way to get this.
A module must always be assigned to a menu item.  ::)

So a content plugin could this do better. In this case need we only a special part in the jD category layout or a simple placeholder.
What think you?
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Quote from: Arno on 12.08.2015 00:23:19
i think a module would not be the best way to get this.
A module must always be assigned to a menu item.  ::)

So a content plugin could this do better. In this case need we only a special part in the jD category layout or a simple placeholder.
What think you?

Arno, there is no matter how we can do it.
The idea is to display on the download details page  a block with related items from current category, that can be configured (random items, most popular or latest).

How it can looks:

I think, that plugin will be better, than placeholder, but if placeholders will work in details page and summary page - it is no matter.
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QuoteI think, that plugin will be better, than placeholder, but if placeholders will work in details page and summary page - it is no matter.
Okay i will see what i can do. But i can first begin with the work on it at monday or thursday.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


i have now reworked an already existing plugin to work with Downloads. But i have now problems to display the output on the wished position. So maybe is my 'plugin way' not so a good idea.  :(
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!